Friday, June 8, 2012
...overly outdated opposing optics
After doing a lot of traveling by airplane this past week there were lots of things that got under my skin about airports, airplanes and basically just traveling in general. But one of the things that I just don’t understand on an airplane is this…
The “No Smoking” Light. Ok we get it, we are not supposed to smoke on the air plane; EVER BECAUSE IT NEVER TURNS OFF! And because it has been banned for some 23 years! Smoking was first banned in airplanes in 1988, do people still try and light up while on a plane? I mean can you even carry a lighter on board anyways? Basically I'm sick of looking up while sitting in my seat and seeing about 100 of these damn little lights starring me down! My suggestion… get rid of it! They already tell you that you can’t smoke during the announcements so why do we need the light; a better idea is to have a “Cell Phone” light, letting passengers know that they can now turn on their electronic devices, maybe letting them even turn on their cigarette app? Basically this light is outdated and needs to be taken away! You don’t see schools that still have “No Pogs” posters hanging in the hallways.
And while I'm here, some other advice on what to remove from airplanes… KIDS! If you are flying with a child that is under the age of 7 you should have to either have them muzzled, checked under with the cargo, or fly on ‘the dora the explorer airlines’ or something so that I can actually enjoy my flight without having to listen to screaming, having my seat kicked, or the ever present pounding on the seatback tray.
So I say FUCK YOU overly outdated opposing optics! grow up, get out, and move on! we live in the god damn wifi age we no longer love joe camel and the marlboro man! we want our fucking Angry birds and words with friends!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
over controlling, cold shoulder type of people
OK so it has been a while but with me and this blog it’s not really that uncommon. But I will give everyone an update as to what has been going on with me as of recent. Well after moving to Oregon I got what seemed like a great job for the summer, and it’s the type of work I like and want to be doing. So it sounds like a dream come true, but it has a huge major downfall… living with the people I work with! Now there have been some jobs where I could’ve totally lived with my co-workers this is not one of those jobs.
My partner; the one who I work with every day; drives me off the wall insane! The first two weeks of work were great, but after that it has steadily gone downhill and is hovering about the point where one of us is going to say something to the other and I'm sure there will be a few words exchanged. Now I’ll give you a bit of a run through of what my job entails… Every morning we wake up when most living things are still sleeping, we gear up and jump in the truck and drive into the woods to a predetermined location to look and listen for birds. Now the first two weeks were cool, while driving in the truck we would swap stories and just give general small talk. After that something happened, what it was I have no idea but it happened. I come back from a weekend at home and all of a sudden there no more talking, no more radio in the truck, no more hiking together, were now like two secret service officers; just driving, no talking, looking forward, get the mission done. So I try and make small talk and only get one word answers in return, clearly something has happened, but I figure maybe she’s tired of just having a bad day. Well that bad day turned into a bad 2 months! Imagine having to drive in a car with someone for 2+ hours a day without talking. So still to this point in time I have no idea what happened to make her go all “oddjob” on me but whatever it’s fine because now there is a mutual dislike between the two of us.
And then she would start nitpicking the things I did (mind you she is in no way my supervisor, and for the most part we are equals, even though I'm sure I get paid more) like going ‘too fast’ on the mountain roads; I'm only going 20-25, while she goes 10-15! I’m sorry we are not rock crawling here! It’s just a fucking gravel road! 25 is the recommended speed so I'm not going to stop ‘speeding’. She also critiques my use of the CB radio, my hiking times, and request that I get her permission before leaving to check out a site for the following day! Yah fat chance in hell that will happen, we both came here to recon sites, you didn’t ask me if you could so I'm not going to ask you.
So basically with this chick something changed, and I doubt it was something I did, because when I don’t like you or I give you a reason to not like me I know about it because in most cases it was intentional. This case was not, it was definitely not my intention to make my living situation a living hell hole. And it’s not just us here in this house, there are two other guys whom she regularly has conversations with and jokes with and everything else that people living together should be able to do, so clearly it’s just me. And I get along fine with the other guys mostly just the younger one but the old guy as well, just not as much. But for the most part i don't even feel welcome in this house, and I'm pretty sure that no one here does, once we get home from the woods, we make some food and then go and sit by our selves in our rooms. So basically if you ever get a job with shared housing and you think “Wow this is going to be sweet living with people who have similar interest to mine!” just pause for a second and think back to this blog, now I'm not saying that it’s going to be like this every time but just be ready for the over controlling, cold shoulder type of people who won’t give a valid reason for their loathing of you. And it’s to these people I say FUCK YOU! Chillax, it’s not all about you and it probably never will be!
Also is you enjoy reading these updates (as infrequent ass they may be) I urge you to check out “Kates Dates” a fellow blogger who dives deep into the horrible life of dating after divorce.
My partner; the one who I work with every day; drives me off the wall insane! The first two weeks of work were great, but after that it has steadily gone downhill and is hovering about the point where one of us is going to say something to the other and I'm sure there will be a few words exchanged. Now I’ll give you a bit of a run through of what my job entails… Every morning we wake up when most living things are still sleeping, we gear up and jump in the truck and drive into the woods to a predetermined location to look and listen for birds. Now the first two weeks were cool, while driving in the truck we would swap stories and just give general small talk. After that something happened, what it was I have no idea but it happened. I come back from a weekend at home and all of a sudden there no more talking, no more radio in the truck, no more hiking together, were now like two secret service officers; just driving, no talking, looking forward, get the mission done. So I try and make small talk and only get one word answers in return, clearly something has happened, but I figure maybe she’s tired of just having a bad day. Well that bad day turned into a bad 2 months! Imagine having to drive in a car with someone for 2+ hours a day without talking. So still to this point in time I have no idea what happened to make her go all “oddjob” on me but whatever it’s fine because now there is a mutual dislike between the two of us.
And then she would start nitpicking the things I did (mind you she is in no way my supervisor, and for the most part we are equals, even though I'm sure I get paid more) like going ‘too fast’ on the mountain roads; I'm only going 20-25, while she goes 10-15! I’m sorry we are not rock crawling here! It’s just a fucking gravel road! 25 is the recommended speed so I'm not going to stop ‘speeding’. She also critiques my use of the CB radio, my hiking times, and request that I get her permission before leaving to check out a site for the following day! Yah fat chance in hell that will happen, we both came here to recon sites, you didn’t ask me if you could so I'm not going to ask you.
So basically with this chick something changed, and I doubt it was something I did, because when I don’t like you or I give you a reason to not like me I know about it because in most cases it was intentional. This case was not, it was definitely not my intention to make my living situation a living hell hole. And it’s not just us here in this house, there are two other guys whom she regularly has conversations with and jokes with and everything else that people living together should be able to do, so clearly it’s just me. And I get along fine with the other guys mostly just the younger one but the old guy as well, just not as much. But for the most part i don't even feel welcome in this house, and I'm pretty sure that no one here does, once we get home from the woods, we make some food and then go and sit by our selves in our rooms. So basically if you ever get a job with shared housing and you think “Wow this is going to be sweet living with people who have similar interest to mine!” just pause for a second and think back to this blog, now I'm not saying that it’s going to be like this every time but just be ready for the over controlling, cold shoulder type of people who won’t give a valid reason for their loathing of you. And it’s to these people I say FUCK YOU! Chillax, it’s not all about you and it probably never will be!
Also is you enjoy reading these updates (as infrequent ass they may be) I urge you to check out “Kates Dates” a fellow blogger who dives deep into the horrible life of dating after divorce.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Bob Parson and the elephant killing scumbags
Ok so it has indeed been a while since my last posting but I have just not seen anything worth posting about really. But this morning I saw an article about’s (yah the video from the super bowl where Danica Patrick’s tits almost fall out of her shirt) CEO going on safari. And Fine whatever I’m a hunter I spend countless hours in the woods by myself, in freezing temps waiting for a deer to come walking by, but so far I have not actually made a kill, though I have had deer in front of me. But what I do and what he has done is HUGELY different. He went on an African safari to hunt an elephant! No the way he justifies this is by hunting a problem elephant, one that have been wreaking havoc on some local farms. And from any hunters perspective removal of a problem animal is usually deemed okay, and the meat from this animal would then go to the local villagers to eat. But come on! It’s a FUCKING ELEPHANT!! Who in their right mind shoots an elephant now-a-days?! You can’t tell me that someone going on one of these hunts doesn’t know that the elephant is threatened species (listed as ‘vulnerable’ by Wikipedia) I hope that the people that go on these hunts have kids so when they go home they can say “hey kids I just shot Babar!” (Dumbo, or the elephant from jungle book, etc.).
So the worst part of this douche bags safari hunt is that he recorded the whole thing with a film crew. Showing him helping the farmers. And after the kill showing the hungry villagers tearing the flesh off the carcass and having things eventually turn into an angry mob, mean while all of the villagers also got nice new hats to wear! Ok Bob Parsons you might look like a hero to the hungry African villagers but to the rest of the world you look like a Giant Fucking Ass Hole… wait can you be something worse than that?? And apparently Bobby does this just about every year and takes more than one elephant per trip! Now I did a bit of research on the interwebs looking for African safaris and I found few; mostly hunting for warthogs, or large plains creatures like gazelles and shit. But there are some that have elephant, lion, leopard, Hippopotamus, baboon, and Ostrich listed as huntable species! Now while not all of these are listed as threatened species, the first four are and should not even be on any hunting list. Now maybe this is striking my attention more fully because I have been volunteering at a zoo where my fiancĂ© works with lions, cheetahs, elephants, hippos and other creatures of the sort. And I have been able to get up close and personal with a lot of these animals and I have learned a ton of information on why these animals are dropping in numbers and what people like my fiancĂ© and her coworkers are doing to help protect these species. Now I'm not sure how these places get around the threatened status of these animals but I'm sure they can afford some good lawyers with hunts starting at $13,000 - $27,600 which must be paid in cash only with a half down nonrefundable deposit. But then I guess the people who can afford this can also afford not to care because the people who do care you put that $27,000 towards protecting these animals. Any one in mind that that wants to shoot and kill a big cat or for that matter any large predator (Wolf, Mountain Lion, Coyote, Lion, Tiger, etc.) should do some research and learn about these animals beforehand, this isn't the 1950’s anymore! The saying “no wolves means more deer” just doesn’t make any sense, you remove the predators and their prey animals are going to run rampant destroying everything in sight; forest growth, peoples nicely landscaped yards, they will be running into the streets causing more and more traffic accidents. And then the populations will start to decrease due to not enough food to handle all of these animals and the ones you will see will be the sick ones. Predators are here for a reason! But anyone who could morally shoot an elephant, a beloved animal to all people, is just downright scum.
Bob Parson is scum and has some real mix morals swimming around in his head. On his personal video blog he lists all the charities he donates to, and it’s a real nice list to, and I appreciate people who donate to charities. But looking at this recent event I'm sure that the human society and the Phoenix zoo would love to know more about his elephant hunts, because those are 2 of the charities that he has donated too. The Phoenix Zoo I'm sure wouldn’t be too thrilled about his elephant hunts, they used to be home to Ruby the elephant, an elephant who painted beautiful pictures with colored brushes that helped raise over $200,000 for the zoo and elephant conservation! Ruby unfortunately died of birth complications in 1997. And if any of you are fans of the show ‘the biggest loser’ you may know that Jillian Michaels is now one of the newest girls. Jillian Michaels is also a vegan to protest the inhumane slaughter of the animal meats industries, but I'm sure she would be fine with her new boss shooting an elephant, right? Now for those who have been reading this long and waiting for me to post the link to the video here it is on there you can learn different ways to boycott and help elephant conservation.
So today I give a big FUCK YOU to Bob Parson and elephant killing scumbags; I hear there are some problem pandas in china that could use your attention you sick fuck.
Bob Parsons response to the situation
Read more about Bob Parsons
Read more about Jillian Michaels animal rights
Read more about the Phoenix Zoo
So the worst part of this douche bags safari hunt is that he recorded the whole thing with a film crew. Showing him helping the farmers. And after the kill showing the hungry villagers tearing the flesh off the carcass and having things eventually turn into an angry mob, mean while all of the villagers also got nice new hats to wear! Ok Bob Parsons you might look like a hero to the hungry African villagers but to the rest of the world you look like a Giant Fucking Ass Hole… wait can you be something worse than that?? And apparently Bobby does this just about every year and takes more than one elephant per trip! Now I did a bit of research on the interwebs looking for African safaris and I found few; mostly hunting for warthogs, or large plains creatures like gazelles and shit. But there are some that have elephant, lion, leopard, Hippopotamus, baboon, and Ostrich listed as huntable species! Now while not all of these are listed as threatened species, the first four are and should not even be on any hunting list. Now maybe this is striking my attention more fully because I have been volunteering at a zoo where my fiancĂ© works with lions, cheetahs, elephants, hippos and other creatures of the sort. And I have been able to get up close and personal with a lot of these animals and I have learned a ton of information on why these animals are dropping in numbers and what people like my fiancĂ© and her coworkers are doing to help protect these species. Now I'm not sure how these places get around the threatened status of these animals but I'm sure they can afford some good lawyers with hunts starting at $13,000 - $27,600 which must be paid in cash only with a half down nonrefundable deposit. But then I guess the people who can afford this can also afford not to care because the people who do care you put that $27,000 towards protecting these animals. Any one in mind that that wants to shoot and kill a big cat or for that matter any large predator (Wolf, Mountain Lion, Coyote, Lion, Tiger, etc.) should do some research and learn about these animals beforehand, this isn't the 1950’s anymore! The saying “no wolves means more deer” just doesn’t make any sense, you remove the predators and their prey animals are going to run rampant destroying everything in sight; forest growth, peoples nicely landscaped yards, they will be running into the streets causing more and more traffic accidents. And then the populations will start to decrease due to not enough food to handle all of these animals and the ones you will see will be the sick ones. Predators are here for a reason! But anyone who could morally shoot an elephant, a beloved animal to all people, is just downright scum.
Bob Parson is scum and has some real mix morals swimming around in his head. On his personal video blog he lists all the charities he donates to, and it’s a real nice list to, and I appreciate people who donate to charities. But looking at this recent event I'm sure that the human society and the Phoenix zoo would love to know more about his elephant hunts, because those are 2 of the charities that he has donated too. The Phoenix Zoo I'm sure wouldn’t be too thrilled about his elephant hunts, they used to be home to Ruby the elephant, an elephant who painted beautiful pictures with colored brushes that helped raise over $200,000 for the zoo and elephant conservation! Ruby unfortunately died of birth complications in 1997. And if any of you are fans of the show ‘the biggest loser’ you may know that Jillian Michaels is now one of the newest girls. Jillian Michaels is also a vegan to protest the inhumane slaughter of the animal meats industries, but I'm sure she would be fine with her new boss shooting an elephant, right? Now for those who have been reading this long and waiting for me to post the link to the video here it is on there you can learn different ways to boycott and help elephant conservation.
So today I give a big FUCK YOU to Bob Parson and elephant killing scumbags; I hear there are some problem pandas in china that could use your attention you sick fuck.
Bob Parsons response to the situation
Read more about Bob Parsons
Read more about Jillian Michaels animal rights
Read more about the Phoenix Zoo
Friday, November 19, 2010
Steve Jobs and the rest of Apple
Alright so this really pisses me off I own an ipod it was a gift, its engraved, its special, and it’s dead. I was using my ipod all day at work like I normally do playing solitaire in the corner when no one is watching because there is nothing else to do and I cant sit down in the office because then I get yelled at. So all day the ipod is fine I win a bunch of games of solitaire and even listen to music on the way home in my car. When I get home the battery is half full (yes I'm an optimistic) so I decide to charge it since tomorrow will be more solitaire and more music on the way home. So I plug it in and then itunes tells me that it can’t find my ipod so I should return it to the original settings, that’s fine I didn’t change any setting and there is nothing special on there any ways. Half way through the restoring process I get a message “sorry we can’t seem to restore this ipod” even though they have already erased what was left on there basically leaving me with a little glowing paper weight! So I try it again still nothing not even recognizing that it’s an ipod just that something was plugged it. So I go to the apple website enter my serial number and to my ‘surprise’ its no longer covered under warranty. Big shocker there! Now I know what happened when it was purchased for me I'm sure there was a warranty put on it for damages and repairs and what have you. And I would be willing to be that the end of that warranty was very recently, since I'm sure it was bought for my birthday and probably had a 1 year plan. So my warranty is up apple see that I have plugged my ipod in and that triggers a response and BAM my ipod that was working perfectly fine is no more, it has ceased to be, it has expired and gone to meet its maker, this is a late ipod, it’s a stiff, bereft of life, its rests in peace! This is an X ipod! So now my ipod sits on ym desk unplugged, power on frozen in the ‘connected’ screen.

This is what happened with any electronic you register and connect to the web they can track your warranty and the week after it’s up they send some sorta fucking shock wave thing into and fry it dead, think about it maybe you had a nice TV or gaming system that you bought extended warranty on and one day it died for what ever reason so you call them up to see what you can have done and oh my oh my the warranty ran out just last week, what a bummer! Well fuck this! FUCK apple and all their dumb products I have never liked them! And don’t you get all smartsy with me saying “well if you don’t like apple why do you have an ipod?? Hmmm?” it was a gift jerk ass. So to Steve Jobs and the rest of Apple and to any other fucking device that kicks the bucket right after its warranty is up and done with FUCK YOU! I’m onto your little schemes!

This is what happened with any electronic you register and connect to the web they can track your warranty and the week after it’s up they send some sorta fucking shock wave thing into and fry it dead, think about it maybe you had a nice TV or gaming system that you bought extended warranty on and one day it died for what ever reason so you call them up to see what you can have done and oh my oh my the warranty ran out just last week, what a bummer! Well fuck this! FUCK apple and all their dumb products I have never liked them! And don’t you get all smartsy with me saying “well if you don’t like apple why do you have an ipod?? Hmmm?” it was a gift jerk ass. So to Steve Jobs and the rest of Apple and to any other fucking device that kicks the bucket right after its warranty is up and done with FUCK YOU! I’m onto your little schemes!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
slander and bull shit lies
Okay so today is Election Day and there are people standing in the streets with their signs waving to every one and kids get out of school early so they can have the schools to use for the polls and what not. But honestly I could give two shakes of a lamb’s tail about it all. Republican, Democrat, Independent who cares! No matter who gets voted in they won’t do as good a job as any one really wants and people will still be complaining about something. And as far campaign ads are considered they are HORRIBLE! So one guy raised taxes and another guy touches little girls, and another guy is old. Who the hell cares; I want to know about what they say that are going to do not their personal bull shit. And personally I am not going to vote for Person A when he goes on about all the bad things about Person B that doesn’t make you look any better asshole, talk about all the good things your gunna do not the bad things the other dick head has done. No matter how you vote you can never accomplish everything you SAY you’re gunna do its fucking impossible, and at the end of your time in office it will all come out about how you didn’t live up to your promises and just make you look bad, so why run anyways? Most elections are rigged any ways by the use of drug money and ‘favors’ done for each other. And another thing lose the ties! I know you’re all stuck up pricks but if you for once just do a press conference in a sweat shirt and jeans I might have some respect for you as a person.

But for the people that DO VOTE thanks I'm glad you care enough about what goes on in your state/country/where ever to follow all this stuff and make a choice. But I just don’t have enough confidence in the system to believe its just that simple. Maybe some day when I have kids and own a house of my own and taxes and shit might mean something to me then maybe ill vote but for right now ill let every one else decide for me. Now I know this will be a big topic of discussion on here about how I'm throwing away my privileges of being an American but you know what its also my privilege of an American to do what I want and I choose not to vote. And yes I know that if I don’t vote I don’t get to complain but really I’m not complaining I just hate all the ads and bullshit tossing back and forth to give a shit. So to the election process and all the slander and bull shit lies that come with elections FUCK YOU! I don’t care take your buttons and signs some where else.
But for the people that DO VOTE thanks I'm glad you care enough about what goes on in your state/country/where ever to follow all this stuff and make a choice. But I just don’t have enough confidence in the system to believe its just that simple. Maybe some day when I have kids and own a house of my own and taxes and shit might mean something to me then maybe ill vote but for right now ill let every one else decide for me. Now I know this will be a big topic of discussion on here about how I'm throwing away my privileges of being an American but you know what its also my privilege of an American to do what I want and I choose not to vote. And yes I know that if I don’t vote I don’t get to complain but really I’m not complaining I just hate all the ads and bullshit tossing back and forth to give a shit. So to the election process and all the slander and bull shit lies that come with elections FUCK YOU! I don’t care take your buttons and signs some where else.
Friday, June 11, 2010
...nature helping nut cases (Choose your own adventure)
Alright so it is becoming that time of year when all the cute little baby animals start to show their furry little faces; and it’s also the time of year when all the people that see these furry faces think they need help. Well guess what people just because you see an animal outside on its own does not mean it needs help or its lost, or sick, or whatever! Guess what it’s the freaking outdoors and they live there! Even though it might be your back yard it’s still their home and you might just be seeing them for the first time but they have been there trust me. So today I am going to take you through some possible steps of what to do with ‘lost’ or ‘injured’ wildlife, think of it like a choose your own adventure book.
So first I’m going to set the scene for you… you are in your garden doing your yearly spring clean up removing weeds, and adding new plants and just generally sprucing up your yard and you come across some baby rabbits but the mother is nowhere to be found! So you decide to…

A. Capture all the babies and bring them into your house, because obviously the mother rabbit is a bitch and doesn’t care for her babies
B. Call a professional animal extraction company and have them come and take the rabbits, because they know what they are doing.
C. Leave them alone, maybe the mother will come back
You decide to capture all of the babies put them in a shoe box with a towel and into your house for safe keeping. All of a sudden you realize that you have never cared for a rabbit or any baby animal but you’ve seen this on animal planet so it can’t be too hard. So for a little extra help you decide to look up on Google how to care for these little rascals. And yes you get a bottle and some milk and you feed all the little guys as if they were your own children. A few weeks pass and they have all grown up you have moved them to a bigger box or maybe even a cage with a nice water bottle and some hay and your proud of what you have done. YAY the bunnies are alive and it’s all because of you! Well guess what you have crippled those rabbits for the rest for their lives if you do decide to release them back into the wild you will be the cause of their demise. These rabbit no nothing about living out in the wild and because of this they will most like either die of starvation, get eaten by a predator or get hit by a car. How do you feel now! Try again.
You decide to call a wildlife extraction company because you’re not a professional animal type person you can barely remember that burrito you put in the microwave let alone care for young animals. So you go to the yellow pages and call someone, whether it is a wildlife control company, your local animal control officer or a wildlife rehabilitator. So you talk to them and they don’t want the animals or won’t even come out to look. You are forced to choose another option, try again.
You choose to leave the babies there on their own, maybe you have been in this situation before, or you are taking the advice of a professional you talked to earlier, or maybe your heartless and don’t care whether they live or die. Well no matter the reason you chose this option you are correct. Leaving the animals there is the best thing you can do, the mother will most likely come back you just scared her off while gardening. And now you get to watch these babies in your yard while they continue to grow, isn’t life great!
Ok so in all honesty I can’t fucking stand people that are so dumb that they think any animal that is out on its own needs help. Especially when these people don’t know what they are doing! Someone at work was telling me that they got a call about a lady who actually found rabbits in her garden and took them inside in a box and kept them in there for 2 days, with no food or anything! Even though the mother rabbit was out in the yard clearly looking for her little babies! And the lady didn’t want to put ht rabbits back because... well they were gardening. That was her reason; well I'm gardening so I can’t have these rabbits here. I don’t think she felt like she needed to protect them or anything she just didn’t want them in her yard or something ridiculous. That is fucking ridiculous; she most likely caused these rabbits to die because she was dumb! And I don’t know why people call me work all the time with stories or questions like these, WE DON’T DO REHAB! Call someone else! And don’t fucking come here with your damn pet turtles and say you found it in your yard because we know you didn’t, and guess what were not going to take it! And don’t just dump it on our lawn you dumb piece of shit, that animal will most likely die. If you don’t want your animal any more, put it on craigslist, or call a shelter, or rescue they might actually want it. So to everyone in the world who’s out trying to save every fucking little bird that fell out of its nest follow this easy motto; “if you care, leave it there” mother nature will follow its own course. So to all you nature helping nut cases, fuck off and leave it to those who know what they are doing, because you are killing things!
So first I’m going to set the scene for you… you are in your garden doing your yearly spring clean up removing weeds, and adding new plants and just generally sprucing up your yard and you come across some baby rabbits but the mother is nowhere to be found! So you decide to…
A. Capture all the babies and bring them into your house, because obviously the mother rabbit is a bitch and doesn’t care for her babies
B. Call a professional animal extraction company and have them come and take the rabbits, because they know what they are doing.
C. Leave them alone, maybe the mother will come back
You decide to capture all of the babies put them in a shoe box with a towel and into your house for safe keeping. All of a sudden you realize that you have never cared for a rabbit or any baby animal but you’ve seen this on animal planet so it can’t be too hard. So for a little extra help you decide to look up on Google how to care for these little rascals. And yes you get a bottle and some milk and you feed all the little guys as if they were your own children. A few weeks pass and they have all grown up you have moved them to a bigger box or maybe even a cage with a nice water bottle and some hay and your proud of what you have done. YAY the bunnies are alive and it’s all because of you! Well guess what you have crippled those rabbits for the rest for their lives if you do decide to release them back into the wild you will be the cause of their demise. These rabbit no nothing about living out in the wild and because of this they will most like either die of starvation, get eaten by a predator or get hit by a car. How do you feel now! Try again.
You decide to call a wildlife extraction company because you’re not a professional animal type person you can barely remember that burrito you put in the microwave let alone care for young animals. So you go to the yellow pages and call someone, whether it is a wildlife control company, your local animal control officer or a wildlife rehabilitator. So you talk to them and they don’t want the animals or won’t even come out to look. You are forced to choose another option, try again.
You choose to leave the babies there on their own, maybe you have been in this situation before, or you are taking the advice of a professional you talked to earlier, or maybe your heartless and don’t care whether they live or die. Well no matter the reason you chose this option you are correct. Leaving the animals there is the best thing you can do, the mother will most likely come back you just scared her off while gardening. And now you get to watch these babies in your yard while they continue to grow, isn’t life great!
Ok so in all honesty I can’t fucking stand people that are so dumb that they think any animal that is out on its own needs help. Especially when these people don’t know what they are doing! Someone at work was telling me that they got a call about a lady who actually found rabbits in her garden and took them inside in a box and kept them in there for 2 days, with no food or anything! Even though the mother rabbit was out in the yard clearly looking for her little babies! And the lady didn’t want to put ht rabbits back because... well they were gardening. That was her reason; well I'm gardening so I can’t have these rabbits here. I don’t think she felt like she needed to protect them or anything she just didn’t want them in her yard or something ridiculous. That is fucking ridiculous; she most likely caused these rabbits to die because she was dumb! And I don’t know why people call me work all the time with stories or questions like these, WE DON’T DO REHAB! Call someone else! And don’t fucking come here with your damn pet turtles and say you found it in your yard because we know you didn’t, and guess what were not going to take it! And don’t just dump it on our lawn you dumb piece of shit, that animal will most likely die. If you don’t want your animal any more, put it on craigslist, or call a shelter, or rescue they might actually want it. So to everyone in the world who’s out trying to save every fucking little bird that fell out of its nest follow this easy motto; “if you care, leave it there” mother nature will follow its own course. So to all you nature helping nut cases, fuck off and leave it to those who know what they are doing, because you are killing things!
Friday, March 19, 2010
...shady value blind car thieves
Ok so on my way to the store this morning I open my car doors only to find some things that were on my seat that were not there before. It was at that point in time when I had a flash back to my old jeep Stella and when one morning getting ready to head to work I was getting into my car and noticed everything from my glove box was out on my seat it was at that point I had realized I had been robbed and Stella had been violated. And yes it was to that same effect just this morning when I found my crappy sports watch, deodorant, ice cream bar rapper, and my maps on my front seat. Some one had again gone through my glove box and center console of my car; it must be there calling card to leave shit on the seats or something. They apparently don’t know value when they see it, that watch must have been worth at lest $3, and it was Axe deodorant so that at least $5, I mean yah its used but it makes you smell nice! And maps every one needs maps, the burned copy of Disturbed 1000 fist that I took from a car in the junk yard(I don’t even have a CD player in my car but I have a CD) and the wire to connect an ipod to my stereo (again a stereo that I don’t even have in the car) all of this they left behind!! But most of all they left behind my sorrels with new laces and my tool box, both of these items could not only be valuable but very useful to have. Now you may be wondering how exactly they got into my car... do I now have a broken window? No. they got in because I can not lock my car doors any more because they are becoming a bitch to unlock. So yet again I am reminded by the shady car thieves of Brockton that all of my possessions are completely invaluable, at lest on the black market. So to all the shady value blind car thieves out there FUCK YOU didn’t you realize the first time that I have nothing but crap in my car!
And now I redirect you to yet another rewind episode from FFY history...
Jeep Rapers
And now I redirect you to yet another rewind episode from FFY history...
Jeep Rapers
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