Alrighty here is my Christmas edition of the Friday Fuck You. No I am not overly fond of the holiday season as it is being called now a days, but I do like looking at christmas lights and I think it would be awesome if some carolers came to my door. But what I can’t stand is getting distracted while I drive by Rudolph, yah you heard me Rudolph the fucking red nose white tail! No he’s not a reindeer cause we don’t have reindeer in Mass if we did we would have ‘reindeer’ crossing sings not ‘deer’ crossing sings. But apparently there are some people who feel the need to be reminded of imaginary flying reindeer all year long so what they do is this….
Yeap they deface public property for the sake of pissing me off, well maybe not exactly that reason but it works that way. No as for the people who do this I can only imagine 2 groups of people… ‘Rebellious’ teens and the elderly. Yeap I can just see it now a bunch of kids hiding in the bushes waiting for all the cars to be gone, red stickers in hand and as soon as the lights are out of sight BAM! They hit that unsuspecting white tail with a big red nose! this just in... if you like reading these please Click the follow link on the right of the page!!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Then they all scatter back to their homes completely out of breath and high-fiving and giggling all night about the notorious deed. Or it’s the elderly… yah it’s the elderly doing it they want every one to know that Santa is always watching and to make this boring old deer have some Christmas spirit that will last all the way into the fucking summer, and till next Christmas and the next…. Now if people want to put up their own little cutesy ‘Santa please stop here’ or ‘reindeer crossing’ signs on the front lawn I have no problem with that because it will most likely be coming down before January unlike the damn reindeer crossing signs that I now have to see on every wooded corner. So to all the rebellious high Christmas spirited people who feel the need to put red nose sticker on all the deer crossing signs out there fuck you and your damn reindeer!