Friday, January 12, 2007

majorly over paid "athletes"

This I heard on the radio on the way to bring Angie home just a few minutes ago. David Beckham (a well know soccer player) just signed a 5 year deal with the LA Galaxy for $250 million that is about $50 million a year!! MY Freaking god! is this how much money we are pay people to kick a ball?!! And he isnt even that good, i dont follow soccer but ive ben reading to get the full story and most people say he is average.lets see some stats....

Fireman - $50 - $60,000
Polce Officer - $40 - $60,000
Astronaut - $100,000
Presodent of the US - $400,000
Tom Brady -$1,000,000
Tom Cruise - $13,000,000
David Beckham - $50,000,000

Does any one else see something wrong with this?? this is just outragous! i think there is alot of more usful things that we coud be doing with this money that paying people to kick and throw balls around. i find this outragous, but what can you do besides Fuck that. well thats exactly what I am going to do... David Beckham and other majorly over paid "athletes" FUCK YOU!!!


Anonymous said...

he is a average english soccer player which makes him above average here still no pele though...he will also bring in so many people to fill seats


Anonymous said...

What I think is more sad than anything is what teachers make considering they teach us and the children of tommorow ..
