Friday, June 1, 2007


so tonight was the premier of the pirate master, a new reality TV show on which people live out the lives of pirates on the open seas one real life ship as pirates would have done. so for the first adventure for the pirates there is of course buried treasure and a map to follow, so they all get split into two teams; as is the case of any "survivor" type show, and off they go following the map and some clues. so they get to the first clue and there is a lock and three keys and no one can figure out how to open it, one guy finally says its a puzzle and the there is a sequence to it and bam he gets it open and they are now in the lead and off on the next part, to find the treasure! so off they go, they set up a booby trap to slow the other team down and are at the final location, and no one can figure out where the chest is hidden in the water and there is a clue of crocodiles or something like that, so the same guy who figure out the lock says to him self... hmm crocs live under mangroves trees so ill check under the mangrove trees, he goes under and bam comes up with the chest. YARR! So now we are all back on the boat and there is $40,000 in pirate gold in the chest, now they need to pick a captain... hmm who should it be? The smart guy who got us through the adventure of the hunky guy who did nothing... that's right the hunky guy and boy is the other guy pissed! And now the new captain has to decide whether to split the gold equally amongst every one or take 50% for him self and divide the rest and that's what he does. So now the guy who got that team through the challenges has a measly $2000 for doing everything, he is pissed through the roof! So now the new captain has a real nice room with luxuries and a cool hat and every one else still sucks. so the next night is a meeting of where 3 people get "the black spot" which means the captain wants them off the boat, so our pissed off smart guy, a funny guy with a beard and a random girl (honestly she was chosen randomly!) have a black spot, sot hey all get to plead with the crew in why they shouldn't leave, well our smart guy is smart he steals the compasses cause a ship is no good with out direction every one knows that! the captain says he doesn't need a compass he can tell where north is by the sun and the big dipper, and by sticking a stick in the mud waiting a half hour and figuring how much the shadow has moved blah blah blah... well every one votes and what do you know THE SMART GUY GETS VOTES OFF!!! So now the ship has no compasses! And the guy who did everything right is off on a tiny little raft with $2000 and some compasses for all of his hard work...

So does this make any sense? Why would you get ride of the guy who is a major help aboard the ship in figuring out puzzles and shit? He wasn't asking to be captain but to get rid of the captain who took half of the treasure that he didn't find and to keep him and the compasses which he stole because it's a pirate adventure and that's what pirates do. well I am quite pissed about the turn of event on that ship and I cant wait to watch it again next week and from here on out to see if my smart pirate guy ever does return; maybe on a deserted island or on a ship of his own? Who know but what I do know is that the crew of that ship who all voted to keep the captain deserve a BIG FUCK YOU!

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