Monday, December 15, 2008
Why does everything in life have to be so complicated? I am now home on vacation for about a month before i set off for the tropics of Belize and all i want to do is kick back and relax, go hunting, and maybe get some under the table work so i can get some spending cash. but no nothing is ever that simple. OK so i don't have any of my own hunting gear, all i own is my license and an orange hat, so i have to borrow all of my dads gear... gun, ammo, jacket, pretty much every thing is borrowed. and i am still new to this whole deer hunting thing, and when i go out with dad we don't go out very far, we walk to a field and just sit there on the edge, now i know hes getting older and its harder to get around hes not as young as he used to be, But then he comes home and complains that he never gets any deer... well if you put some more effort into it something might happen. so today i went out and i went out fairly far into a wooded section and sat down for about an hour and half, and then i got antsy and started to walk around, now i don't really like this area where we hunt i feel that its like the old folks home for hunters, a couple of nice fields and sit and hope all with in a 10 minute walk. not really what I'm looking for, i want some real back county shit where you can't hear or see the high way where ever you are. and where every square inch of that place hasn't been trampled over by a ton of hunters, i want some place that not many people go and where i can actually see some signs of deer in the woods! so idk i am going to try and get some of my own gear, find some hunters of my own age that are willing to put a but more into this, that's why i wanted to try hunting in VT but i just don't have the time or well gear! so if any one reads this that has a gun license and wants to go out some time before the season ends let me know!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
This weeks episode is on a very personal level, its about me... well my life style. for those of you that don't know, and that may be many, I am no longer going to be drinking alcoholic beverages. roughly out of the past 4 times i have drank ( liquor, beer, what ever...) recently i have gotten sick 3 of those times. One was from drinking to much, and I spent all night in the bathroom puking for hours. the other was from drinking to fast and puking it all back up soon after, but the last time was the scariest, i had one Smirnoff and then later i again got sick from only one and it was just a casual drink last Sunday night. so after that I am saying no more. so at this point i have been dry for 5 days and counting. now this may not seem like much but its a start and I'm doing fine, i have 3 magic hats in my fridge that rattle at me every time I open the door and a bottle of cyclone on my shelf that stars at me constantly, and I have had people offer me beers and they are some what shocked to my answer of no. so its not like i am just not buying beer or staying away from it, its always around me, I'm in college its pretty hard to stay away from it. but i think this will be a new and interesting challenge in my life and we will see where it goes. so for now I am saying FUCK YOU ALCOHOL I don't need you.
I went 2 and a half weeks with out drinking, i know that is no record by any means but i did refuse alot of drinks. but it was just a killer on my social life and i have not gotten sick from it sense so i think what ever it was is now gone. and for those who may think i am some kinda quiter fuck you i did this for me and me only, drinking wasnt ruining my life or anything i just felt that i should stop for a while.
I went 2 and a half weeks with out drinking, i know that is no record by any means but i did refuse alot of drinks. but it was just a killer on my social life and i have not gotten sick from it sense so i think what ever it was is now gone. and for those who may think i am some kinda quiter fuck you i did this for me and me only, drinking wasnt ruining my life or anything i just felt that i should stop for a while.
Friday, June 27, 2008
...Junk Ass Car Hoarders
Alright if anyone has talked to me recently I’m sure they have heard me rant about this one. As you all know it is summer and with the summer comes the demolition derbies. But unfortunately for some reason no one is selling old cars anymore, not even the fucking junk yards! I call up the junk yards and ask them if they have any cars for the derbies I get an immediate NO, only one junk yard was willing to look but unfortunately the cheapest he would sell me a car was $650! My price range right now is about $250-$300 dollars, possibly which is a huge possibly I could go to $400. And when I call these places and they tall me they have no cars for the derbies I get pissed because I know that they do I mean they are a freaking junk yard! Isn’t that what they do? Keep old junk cars for future use?!? And it’s not like in picky I just want something that runs and drives, I’m not asking for a certain type or size of car. And you never see the type of cars that you can use in the derbies for sale in front of peoples houses either anymore, I stopped and asked one guy about a car that was in his drive way that was filled with crap and hadn't been driven in 2 years (it had a ‘06 sticker) and I didn’t even get “car is for sale” out of my mouth before he said “NO” all I said was “I was wondering if the…” needless to say he was an asshole about it. And said that if he took out the exhaust and radiator and battery and took the car to the junk yard he could get way more than what I was offering him, but in reality that fat fuck wouldn’t even be able to lie down on the ground to do any of that shit. There is till 2 more cars that I see all the time that just sit there and I'm gunna ask about them this week, but I'm sure ill get a no, which means that I will not be doing the derby this summer which is a huge fucking bummer. So to all the goddamn fucking junk ass car hoarders FUCK YOU! SELL ME YOUR GODDAMN PIECE OF SHIT CAR SO I CAN HAVE SOME FUN!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
...Overly Drunken Sports Fans
this weeks entry all starts last night(Thursday) a few friends and I went into Boston to go see the Bruins play against the Toronto maple leafs... blah blah blah Bruins did horrible Toronto won 10-2. so as we are leaving there is a huge mass of bruins fan all standing outside smoking, when a huge crowd of Canadian supporters all wearing blue come from the other direction... i think some of you may know where this is heading...
Boston fans + beer + loss + opposing fans = FIGHT!
so yah when the two crowds met there were a few fists being tossed. me and my friend quickly pull his dunk brother out of the crowd so he would not get arrested, but that didn't stop every one else from fighting. well some poor kid got kicked in the face by some one else and is now on the ground, now as his mother(?) is yelling at some dude for kicking him in the face some other guy comes over leans over (kinda in a concerning way, like to see if he is okay) see that his mother is busy yelling at some one else and promptly winds up and *SMACK* hits him square in the face. every one around hears a loud popping noise (which from my non-medical understanding is the sound of a nose being broken) that pop is quickly followed by a pool of blood. Now I see this and jump over to the puncher and push him back yelling "what the fuck is wrong with you?!" then realizing that i wearing a bruins jersey just stood up for a blue and i am also standing in the middle of every thing quickly back off and then we all decide to leave before the cops show up. i really wanted to stay and help but i had nothing to help him with, but as we were leaving the cops were arriving and I'm sure medical personal soon after.
So, now that you know my little story, lets get down to business... this Friday fuck you goes out to drunk fans who cant take a loss and see that the only way to make up for that is kicking this shit out of the winning teams supporters. but it especially goes out to that one fan who decided that getting kicked in the face wasn't good enough, he had to have his nose broken as well.
So.. Overly Drunken Sports Fans.... FUCK YOU!
Boston fans + beer + loss + opposing fans = FIGHT!
so yah when the two crowds met there were a few fists being tossed. me and my friend quickly pull his dunk brother out of the crowd so he would not get arrested, but that didn't stop every one else from fighting. well some poor kid got kicked in the face by some one else and is now on the ground, now as his mother(?) is yelling at some dude for kicking him in the face some other guy comes over leans over (kinda in a concerning way, like to see if he is okay) see that his mother is busy yelling at some one else and promptly winds up and *SMACK* hits him square in the face. every one around hears a loud popping noise (which from my non-medical understanding is the sound of a nose being broken) that pop is quickly followed by a pool of blood. Now I see this and jump over to the puncher and push him back yelling "what the fuck is wrong with you?!" then realizing that i wearing a bruins jersey just stood up for a blue and i am also standing in the middle of every thing quickly back off and then we all decide to leave before the cops show up. i really wanted to stay and help but i had nothing to help him with, but as we were leaving the cops were arriving and I'm sure medical personal soon after.
So, now that you know my little story, lets get down to business... this Friday fuck you goes out to drunk fans who cant take a loss and see that the only way to make up for that is kicking this shit out of the winning teams supporters. but it especially goes out to that one fan who decided that getting kicked in the face wasn't good enough, he had to have his nose broken as well.
So.. Overly Drunken Sports Fans.... FUCK YOU!
Friday, March 7, 2008
...fresh roll plopping bastards
This week's episode has been a few weeks in the making. Being the nit-picky person that I am I like things in order, and for them to be neat and tidy, and when a simple task "gets done" by someone hoping to cut corners on their ever so busy life it really annoys the fuck out of me. But nothing does it more than this…

Why can't you just put it on the roller thing! My god you are sitting there on your ass (literally) why can't you take the old roll off and put the new one on! Now this happens all over Sterling, not just in the mad house bathrooms. Most of the time the new roll is on the back of the seat or at least in arms reach so its not like you need to move about to get this fresh roll. And if you notice at first that the roll is empty (from some one else's lack of heart) you normally get a fresh roll before sitting down. And then what you twirl it around your hand, rip, wipe and plop the fresh roll on top like pictured. Just take the extra two seconds to pop the old one off and put the new one in, and for the love of god put it so the roll comes out the front and not from behind! So to all fresh roll plopping bastards FUCK YOU! JUST PUT THE NEW ROLL ON THE HOLDER!
Why can't you just put it on the roller thing! My god you are sitting there on your ass (literally) why can't you take the old roll off and put the new one on! Now this happens all over Sterling, not just in the mad house bathrooms. Most of the time the new roll is on the back of the seat or at least in arms reach so its not like you need to move about to get this fresh roll. And if you notice at first that the roll is empty (from some one else's lack of heart) you normally get a fresh roll before sitting down. And then what you twirl it around your hand, rip, wipe and plop the fresh roll on top like pictured. Just take the extra two seconds to pop the old one off and put the new one in, and for the love of god put it so the roll comes out the front and not from behind! So to all fresh roll plopping bastards FUCK YOU! JUST PUT THE NEW ROLL ON THE HOLDER!
Friday, February 29, 2008
...Amazon, the money hogging beast
For this weeks episode we look at a very common and popular website, Now you may be thinking "Josh what do you have against Amazon, I love Amazon, I get all my school books on there for wicked cheap." Well that's exactly it Amazon is great for getting things from, except money. Recently I singed up to sell my old school books on Amazon because I was broke and needed some money. So I put my books up and bam I get a sale right away and then another not too far after that one, nice I just made $70! WRONG! Well yes I did just make $70 bucks but I have still yet to see this money. To open the sellers account you give them your banking info and they test it by taking a dollar but then giving it back. So that they know that it is a real and active account. So when it comes time for them to pay up it just goes right through to you account. Well when that day came for me to get paid there was nothing! What the fuck! Where's my money!? So then I get an email from Amazon saying in order to give me my money they need my account info AGAIN! So I give it and then wait and wait. Getting frustrated even more, I re-read the email and notice that it says that I should be receiving my money in an additional 14 DAYS!!! WHAT THE FUCK I HAVE ALREADY WAITED 14 FUCKING DAYS FOR THIS MONEY! So now it has been this additional 14 days and I get another email saying my money is ready, and it should be in my account within 1 to 5 banking days! So if you are looking to make a quick buck by selling your books on Amazon, think again. So Amazon, and the money hogging beast that you are FUCK YOU!!!! I still have not gotten my money!
Friday, February 15, 2008
....leg shaking sons of bithces
Ok so this is defiantly something that can piss me off at times. You know when you are sitting in class and then all of a sudden an earthquake hits! So you run and duck for cover under the desk. While under there you notice that it's not an earthquake it's some one involuntarily shaking their leg! Now this drives me nuts, I can't stand this, if for some reason your leg is shaking hard and or fast enough that it moves the whole table, and then you need to get some pills for RLS or something, switch positions do something to stop the god damn shaking! If your shaking makes my mug bounce across the table then you have a serious problem, you're like a fucking dog that is getting scratched in that very special spot of his and his leg just goes nuts against his will! Sometimes this isn't involuntary; sometimes people do it because they are bored or focusing really hard on a test and all that energy that they have built up go strait to their leg! So to all you leg shaking sons of bitches that do it on purpose or not, FUCK YOU.
Video of what i am talking about, yes you can find anything on youtube.
Video of what i am talking about, yes you can find anything on youtube.
Friday, February 1, 2008
...mysterious self adding “friend”
Friday Fuck You... mysterious self adding “friend”
Ok so what the fuck is this all about? Am reading my bulletins when I see one from "brother" interesting I don't recognize the name and the picture is kinda small. So I click on the picture to go to the profile, and its some 22 year old guy from Salt Lake City?!? What the fuck?! Who the hell is this? Looking at the pictures I still have no idea who this is. Next stop is the friends list, look for some one in common and maybe I know them through that person and forgot about adding them… browsing friends list… nope don't see any one I know and he doesn't have 1000 friends or anything so he's not a friend whore as far as I can tell. The only thing I can think of is that maybe he is from because I know a few people from the forums on there but I don't usually friend them cause even if I talk to them a lot on the forums they are still some what strangers. Another possibility is that some one else was browsing profiles and didn't realize they were on my profile or something and added him but that doesn't make any sense really. So I have no fucking Idea how this fucker got on my friends list, who he is, or how long he has been on my list. As far as I can tell I have no connection to this persona t all so I don't know why I would add him or even why he would add me! So FUCK YOU mysterious self adding "friend" you're a creep and I don't want you to be on my friends list, cause really it freaks me out of how you got there with out me knowing.
P.S.What would every one think about possibly moving this to a blog site like Blogger? i would make sure that its not to hard to find or that you have to sign up for all sorts of crazy shit, just the site. Let me know it may not even happen but i was just wondering. Its just because some people who i know read this are now no longer on Myspace and cant read it any more.
Ok so what the fuck is this all about? Am reading my bulletins when I see one from "brother" interesting I don't recognize the name and the picture is kinda small. So I click on the picture to go to the profile, and its some 22 year old guy from Salt Lake City?!? What the fuck?! Who the hell is this? Looking at the pictures I still have no idea who this is. Next stop is the friends list, look for some one in common and maybe I know them through that person and forgot about adding them… browsing friends list… nope don't see any one I know and he doesn't have 1000 friends or anything so he's not a friend whore as far as I can tell. The only thing I can think of is that maybe he is from because I know a few people from the forums on there but I don't usually friend them cause even if I talk to them a lot on the forums they are still some what strangers. Another possibility is that some one else was browsing profiles and didn't realize they were on my profile or something and added him but that doesn't make any sense really. So I have no fucking Idea how this fucker got on my friends list, who he is, or how long he has been on my list. As far as I can tell I have no connection to this persona t all so I don't know why I would add him or even why he would add me! So FUCK YOU mysterious self adding "friend" you're a creep and I don't want you to be on my friends list, cause really it freaks me out of how you got there with out me knowing.
P.S.What would every one think about possibly moving this to a blog site like Blogger? i would make sure that its not to hard to find or that you have to sign up for all sorts of crazy shit, just the site. Let me know it may not even happen but i was just wondering. Its just because some people who i know read this are now no longer on Myspace and cant read it any more.
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