Friday, December 14, 2007 draining, dignity and soul stealing class

Well seeing how it is Friday and I am at my computer I will begin to write and maybe just maybe something will come into my head that will piss me off. Let me start off with some details about what is going on with me right now. First of all it's snowing up here... has been for the last two days, I like that so that's not what this will be about. School sucks but that's no surprise, and this next Wednesday is thanks giving break but unfortunately I have class (BRV) on Tuesday afternoon so I have to stick around till then... this could be about that class... yah I think I will do that. Well for those that don't know what the class is ill tell you a bit about it; so basically this class is an oral history class, we have to go to people in the area and interview them, its not that hard really the interview could be about anything and with any one. But its sucks, no one wants to be in this class for fun. The only reason any one is taking it is for the high level humanities credit with writing, no one wants to be doing this. And we had to buy this huge book that is filled with I guess stuff on oral history I don't know I don't read it. And the ones that I have read are awful stories that don't grab my attention at all, so I don't bother reading them. No one in the class reads them you can tell, a few people do and out of a class of 8 that's not really high numbers. So on Friday mornings we have this class and I am always late because I cook breakfast on Friday mornings so I usually get there 5-10 minutes late and every one knows why, but i still get dirty looks from one of the teachers every time, and the other is just a nut case most of the time laughing uncontrollably at not so funny things while every one else remains emotionless wondering why they are laughing. And today we got a talk about why we should do the readings because it's a class and blah blah blah but they are so dull and I don't blame people for not reading them, sure they are relevant but I think there could be better books to read other than these. Any ways the class just drives me nuts cause I'm only stomaching this for the credits not for the experiences or to be closer to my community, like I said last class "I like the bubble" referring to Sterling College. I don't feel that I need to reach out and be an active part of this community when I'm only gunna be here for this short time. So boohoo no one likes your fucking class deal with it or make it better, so this Friday fuck you goes out to BRV, the class not the people or the teachers but the class as whole. It sucks half the class hates their partners or at least you can tell they don't really want to work together and no one really wanted to do the interviews, so to you life draining, dignity and soul stealing class FUCK YOU! I HATE YOU.

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