Friday, July 17, 2009

...ignorant self loving uneducated bird hating mother fuckers

So since i just posted this on facebook i figured id give you all something new to read. well as most of you know i work on Plymouth Long Beach protecting and monitoring nesting Piping Plovers, Least Terns and Common Terns, as well as any other species that decides to make the beach its home. well i love my job and the difference that i make for these species. so it really freaking irritates me when people just don't fucking give a damn! i get people all the time that say things like "You know they eat them in Mexico!" and "We need a fox out here to get rid of these damn birds" well i get this all the time and it gets old. so first of all the answer to that age old story of piping plovers being eaten in Mexico is completely FALSE! i have been to central America and seen plovers (Mexican banded plovers, not piping plovers) and i asked my guide if the locals ate these birds, to which he laughed and replied "no man, there is no meat on them, rather eat iguana" so there you have it a first hand report cancelling this ugly rumor. These people just need to get off their fat bloated carcases and park their car and walk on the beach instead of just parking there cars on the sand and plopping the cooler and chair right there at the tail pipe. these bird have their babies out there trying to dodge beach goers and other predators they don't need cars driving past them all the time too, and besides its a federal law that protects them so pretty much there is not a damn thing you can do about it!! all these people need is a little bit of education and a space in their heart for some one other than their own selves. so to all of you ignorant self loving uneducated bird hating mother fuckers FUCK YOU!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ehhh i know i may bash the little birds from time to time but they are pretty cool, and from one Con Eco to another i commend your work bro, keepin the little guy safe!

~A Brotha