Friday, October 16, 2009
lazy, tar laden, chemical burning, unhealthy workers
With my new job at the 99 I work about 6 hours shifts and for the most of this time I don’t get a lot of official breaks unless I go to the bathroom or walk in, and this is okay with me id rather be working than have to sign out and sign back in I'm ok with that, but what I'm not really ok with is smoke breaks. Smokers can duck out and have break for about 5-10 minutes every so often and this is allowed and accepted. Now what I wanna know is why do companies give smokers breaks, this is an addiction to a chemical product! And hear are companies praising it! We are no longer in the days of the Marlboro Man smoking is looked at the same as it used to be its no longer elegant or rough and tough its seen as gross and disgusting. So while the unhealthy smokers get a break to make them self less healthy, the healthy workers such as myself have to continue working!! Now is this because we healthy workers have the stamina to continue working for long hours with out much of a break?? Or is it because all the old big wigs who run the company probably smoke and that’s how it was back in the day and its just a ‘rule’ that has been around for a while so its still in effect even with today’s society frowning on tobacco usage? Personally I think the breaks should go to the healthy individuals, who don’t poison their bodies with cancer causing chemicals, and this is like a said a chemical addiction! Smokers can’t wait until their next haul; usually upon their return from the smoke break they complain that they need another. So I want to know that if I told my job that I was an alcoholic or a cocaine user and that I would like a break during work to get a little bit more into my system and that “its okay I'm not addicted or anything, its just something I like to do” you think they would give me the break??? Doubt it! So my plan is to bring candy cigarettes to work and say that I would like my cigarette break. Hey they never said that they have to be cigarettes filled with tobacco! Mine would just be filled with sugary goodness! And I would get a well deserved break! So to all you lazy, tar laden, chemical burning, unhealthy workers FUCK YOU I WANT MY BREAK!!! So companies stop praising drug usage at the workplace, and give the healthy people the break not smokers!

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Josh, I love your Friday Fuck You's! I have been saying what you said about smoke breaks for years. Why do these people get the breaks and I don't?? Keep em coming Josh.
i dont get smoke breaks and i'm a smoker. i guess it depends on where you work i guess
the same thing happens at my work!and im like the only waitress that doesnt smoke and they ALL go out at once, leaving me with the whole restaurant by myself!(downtimes mainly but sometimes busytimes)
they did tyhat all the time a friendls and they would sneak out and smpoke weed. and yet i never got a break and i had to cover the time that they r out getting high andf the manager was doing it too wtf is wrong with this world? is everyone a loser pot head???? whatever happened to drug testing ???
I loved your post on the smoking. ok i will admit i smoke. and i do go for breaks. ok alot of breaks on some days. and i do agree that its not fair for the non smokers. i work at a bank (im upstairs and i do my own thing so no one has to take over if i go out) and the tellers who dont smoke did buy the candy cigaretts as a joke so they could go on their "smoke break". they bitch about not having a break all the time. yet they never take any breaks. they could. they could go to their car or run a quick errand but they never do. they would rather bitch then actually take the break. so that way my input. your not alone!!!!
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