Alright so it is becoming that time of year when all the cute little baby animals start to show their furry little faces; and it’s also the time of year when all the people that see these furry faces think they need help. Well guess what people just because you see an animal outside on its own does not mean it needs help or its lost, or sick, or whatever! Guess what it’s the freaking outdoors and they live there! Even though it might be your back yard it’s still their home and you might just be seeing them for the first time but they have been there trust me. So today I am going to take you through some possible steps of what to do with ‘lost’ or ‘injured’ wildlife, think of it like a choose your own adventure book.
So first I’m going to set the scene for you… you are in your garden doing your yearly spring clean up removing weeds, and adding new plants and just generally sprucing up your yard and you come across some baby rabbits but the mother is nowhere to be found! So you decide to…

A. Capture all the babies and bring them into your house, because obviously the mother rabbit is a bitch and doesn’t care for her babies
B. Call a professional animal extraction company and have them come and take the rabbits, because they know what they are doing.
C. Leave them alone, maybe the mother will come back
You decide to capture all of the babies put them in a shoe box with a towel and into your house for safe keeping. All of a sudden you realize that you have never cared for a rabbit or any baby animal but you’ve seen this on animal planet so it can’t be too hard. So for a little extra help you decide to look up on Google how to care for these little rascals. And yes you get a bottle and some milk and you feed all the little guys as if they were your own children. A few weeks pass and they have all grown up you have moved them to a bigger box or maybe even a cage with a nice water bottle and some hay and your proud of what you have done. YAY the bunnies are alive and it’s all because of you! Well guess what you have crippled those rabbits for the rest for their lives if you do decide to release them back into the wild you will be the cause of their demise. These rabbit no nothing about living out in the wild and because of this they will most like either die of starvation, get eaten by a predator or get hit by a car. How do you feel now! Try again.
You decide to call a wildlife extraction company because you’re not a professional animal type person you can barely remember that burrito you put in the microwave let alone care for young animals. So you go to the yellow pages and call someone, whether it is a wildlife control company, your local animal control officer or a wildlife rehabilitator. So you talk to them and they don’t want the animals or won’t even come out to look. You are forced to choose another option, try again.
You choose to leave the babies there on their own, maybe you have been in this situation before, or you are taking the advice of a professional you talked to earlier, or maybe your heartless and don’t care whether they live or die. Well no matter the reason you chose this option you are correct. Leaving the animals there is the best thing you can do, the mother will most likely come back you just scared her off while gardening. And now you get to watch these babies in your yard while they continue to grow, isn’t life great!
Ok so in all honesty I can’t fucking stand people that are so dumb that they think any animal that is out on its own needs help. Especially when these people don’t know what they are doing! Someone at work was telling me that they got a call about a lady who actually found rabbits in her garden and took them inside in a box and kept them in there for 2 days, with no food or anything! Even though the mother rabbit was out in the yard clearly looking for her little babies! And the lady didn’t want to put ht rabbits back because... well they were gardening. That was her reason; well I'm gardening so I can’t have these rabbits here. I don’t think she felt like she needed to protect them or anything she just didn’t want them in her yard or something ridiculous. That is fucking ridiculous; she most likely caused these rabbits to die because she was dumb! And I don’t know why people call me work all the time with stories or questions like these, WE DON’T DO REHAB! Call someone else! And don’t fucking come here with your damn pet turtles and say you found it in your yard because we know you didn’t, and guess what were not going to take it! And don’t just dump it on our lawn you dumb piece of shit, that animal will most likely die. If you don’t want your animal any more, put it on craigslist, or call a shelter, or rescue they might actually want it. So to everyone in the world who’s out trying to save every fucking little bird that fell out of its nest follow this easy motto; “if you care, leave it there” mother nature will follow its own course. So to all you nature helping nut cases, fuck off and leave it to those who know what they are doing, because you are killing things!