Friday, February 26, 2010

trying to be young and rebellious drivers of mini vans

OK so the other day while drive down the highway on my way home from work, I spot something that quickly grabbed my attention. Was it a nice classic car perhaps? A cute girl broken down on the side of the road? Maybe a low flying plane coming in for a landing some where close? A large row of military vehicles? A patrol car waiting to pull me over for speeding? Now while all of these are great attention grabbers while driving I must say nay to them all. What I saw was a mini van. (I’ll let you ponder on this for a sec) your right it was no ordinary mini van, okay maybe it was because its hard to make mini vans anything but ordinary. But this one was trying hard to be something it was not…. this one had racing stripes!

Yes racing stripes as if to say “yes I might be a soccer mom/dad but hey I still got a bit of an edge to my life because I have a car with racing stripes!” okay so racing stripes belong only on cars that might actually see a race track, not just the parking lot… now looking at the picture I'm fairly positive that this is NOT a factory paint scheme, which means that this person went out of their way to make there car look like this. Good job you made your van look like a giant skunk yah that’s cool. Racing stripes don’t make you or your car any cooler and they should be reserved only for muscle cars. If you want a car that actually looks good with racing stripes get a Camaro stop trying to be something you’re not, you fucking still trying to be young and rebellious drivers of mini vans, take your sienna and go put a suction cup Heathcliff in the back window. Fuck You.

1 comment:

Carolyn Albert said...