So this one I'm sure that every one can relate to especially right now if not in the past or I'm sure in the future. So for those that haven’t talked to me in a bit I can tell you that I am struggling financially and things just keep coming up that need fixing or money thrown at it for some reason. And I don’t really blame any one in particular but I do blame ‘the times’ times are tough right now and its killing everything and every body, right now I am only working part time and I really need full time to meet my needs and get be back on my feet. Unfortunately I was denied a full time position in the place I already work because of numerous different reasons that I don’t really want to get into (none of them faults by me). Recently my car has also been out of commission due to a rusting out rotting rear axle that has left me immobile (an estimated cost of $1000 to repair) so my last paycheck, which was very small even for two weeks of work went to the new part. And then I had to wait two more weeks to get money to get my car actually into the shop for it to get fixed (total of 4+ weeks with out a personal vehicle) so now I hope I have enough money to get it fixed. Finally thinking I'm in the clear of problems my Xbox shits the bed and now I have to send that out for repairs, but this is not a necessity item but it does suck majorly because it’s not only my gaming system but also my DVD player, so no movies either…fuck!
So really I now that these things come up in life and its somewhat expected to have these type of bills but with all of them happening at once it sucks balls, I have had $21 in my bank account for the last 2 months, all of my checks I have had to cash in order to get parts for my car or gas money or what have you. I can barely pay my school loans or car insurance; actually I'm pretty sure I can NOT pay them this month. And for this I don’t really blame any one but ‘the times’. I know that I'm not the only person in the world who is having issues right now but the economy sucks and that’s how its going to be for a while I'm sure, now I know that my problems could have been fixed if I had just gotten that full time position, but hey life’s a bitch a you have to play the hand your dealt. So to this I say FUCK YOU to ‘the times’ and the economy its time to straighten this shit out, and I don’t usually go political with things but where is that ‘change’ that we all voted for???
So to follow this post I invite all of my readers to post there hardships (as I encourage you to do with all my postings) so we can know that we are not alone and hey who knows maybe some one will read this and want to help us out! And as always click the follow link to give support to my blog and now you can get EMAIL Updates on when I post a new FFY, just hit the
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