Friday, February 16, 2007

crazy fucking freaked out feminist's

Alright this one is probably long over due but lately there has been an "equality" movement here at school and it is driving me (and a lot of people) nuts! Okay so there is people that want equality so what do they do, they make a women's group and start up a major feminist movement here on campus. Does that even make sense? So now because of this movement I have to be cautious of what I say and do, because some one might get offended by it. And now there are all these activities that only women can attend, how does that create equality?! There is a large group of us who see this as just a bad idea all around so we all sat together and thought of doing an event that every one can come to, and announce it so that it is obviously a stab at what is going on. Now whether people pick up on that or not isn't really what we care about but mainly just to show that we would rather have every one together having a good time than in separate groups. Now you might be thinking, if there is a woman's group; why not make a men's group? First of all none or at least of lot of us men don't want a group for just men, and besides that is just separating the sexes even more and creating LESS equality. And not every one in the group that is hosting the pizza party is all male, so that wouldn't work. We are just trying to get our point across that the women here on campus should not feel afraid of the men on campus and feel that they need a women's group. But hopefully this pizza party will be a blast; we already have about 30 people signed up to attend so we are all sure that it will be a success.
But really my main focus here today is to show my disliking of the lack of equality due to this "equality" movement. So crazy fucking freaked out feminist's FUCK YOU!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, good thing that you have a girlfriend, and that she doesn't go to Sterling, she'd probablly hate you because of it. LOL. well, talk to you later. Peace.
