Friday, September 25, 2009

REWIND...evil symphonizing crickets from hell

Ive done it before and I'm doing it again! its a fuck you rewind! this posting come from August of 2007. so for some of you it may be new some it might not be, but its happening all over again and i cant stand it! so here it is.

This weeks Friday Fuck You goes out to the reason that I have trouble sleeping at night, Crickets. Yes crickets, those little tiny freaking bugs that love to make noise. Now I love the sounds of crickets when I am camping out in the woods away from every thing and anything. but the crickets I am talking about live in my room, now keep in mind that I live in the basement so I don't find it that strange that they are there. So anyways the sound of crickets is usually a soothing sound that reminds people of the great out doors. But alas not me, you see these crickets are in my room as I have stated. And when they are in my room they then become loud as hell! These little evil bastards with their tiny violins from hell do not stop with their continual music. I stomped out 4 of them last night and still they are there in numbers probably more than I can imagine. When they are playing this symphony of violent decibels they are playing it within the furnace, which only makes it louder! So to all you little evil symphonizing crickets from hell FUCK YOU! And your little violins of fire.

Here's a video to explain it what i have to listen to non stop....

For all of you that love the "Friday Fuck You's" please click on the follow link to the right of the page, this will send you an email every time there is a new posting so yo never miss a rant!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

OMG Josh, that is sooo bringing back memories. When Steve and I were first married we lived in his mothers cellar. We would go through a huge stack of magazines that we threw at them trying to shut them the hell up all night. It worked, for a few minutes, then they would start all over. God I don't miss that. I can so sympathize for you.