Friday, December 28, 2007
...lazy ass fucking MySpace ‘hackers’
This weeks Friday fuck you deal directly with MySpace. And I'm sure every one will agree with me on this on. So recently I have notice a lot more of peoples pages getting hacked into, or fished into; where they obtain your password and then overlap there own HTML onto your profile. Now this really fucking pisses me off. So there is some one out there fishing for peoples passwords and when they get it (they is really just a computer program used to find passwords, that's why they never change it on you) they post comments and pictures or bulletins masking themselves as you, a real person. And what gets me more about this than anything is the reason they are doing this… to spread the word about their business! It's not for your identity, your bank information, or even to pretend to be you because you're prettier than they are! No it's just to spread the word of their website! Now that really makes me want to go and support your website because you sent a computer program after me and obtained my profile password, just so you don't have to spend money on real advertisements!! Here's a hint for you... No one wants a $500 gift card to Macy's especially when it says that "Bob" just took a picture of the card for proof and now all of a sudden "Bob" has a nice French manicure!! WTF Bob why didn't you tell me you were a cross dresser, and that you loved Macy's so much! We know it's not own friends. My friends don't want me to re-mortgage my house; they know I don't own a house! So to all you lazy ass fucking MySpace 'hackers' get a real job and quit fucking around with our shit! To that we all give you a big FUCK YOU!
Friday, December 14, 2007 draining, dignity and soul stealing class
Well seeing how it is Friday and I am at my computer I will begin to write and maybe just maybe something will come into my head that will piss me off. Let me start off with some details about what is going on with me right now. First of all it's snowing up here... has been for the last two days, I like that so that's not what this will be about. School sucks but that's no surprise, and this next Wednesday is thanks giving break but unfortunately I have class (BRV) on Tuesday afternoon so I have to stick around till then... this could be about that class... yah I think I will do that. Well for those that don't know what the class is ill tell you a bit about it; so basically this class is an oral history class, we have to go to people in the area and interview them, its not that hard really the interview could be about anything and with any one. But its sucks, no one wants to be in this class for fun. The only reason any one is taking it is for the high level humanities credit with writing, no one wants to be doing this. And we had to buy this huge book that is filled with I guess stuff on oral history I don't know I don't read it. And the ones that I have read are awful stories that don't grab my attention at all, so I don't bother reading them. No one in the class reads them you can tell, a few people do and out of a class of 8 that's not really high numbers. So on Friday mornings we have this class and I am always late because I cook breakfast on Friday mornings so I usually get there 5-10 minutes late and every one knows why, but i still get dirty looks from one of the teachers every time, and the other is just a nut case most of the time laughing uncontrollably at not so funny things while every one else remains emotionless wondering why they are laughing. And today we got a talk about why we should do the readings because it's a class and blah blah blah but they are so dull and I don't blame people for not reading them, sure they are relevant but I think there could be better books to read other than these. Any ways the class just drives me nuts cause I'm only stomaching this for the credits not for the experiences or to be closer to my community, like I said last class "I like the bubble" referring to Sterling College. I don't feel that I need to reach out and be an active part of this community when I'm only gunna be here for this short time. So boohoo no one likes your fucking class deal with it or make it better, so this Friday fuck you goes out to BRV, the class not the people or the teachers but the class as whole. It sucks half the class hates their partners or at least you can tell they don't really want to work together and no one really wanted to do the interviews, so to you life draining, dignity and soul stealing class FUCK YOU! I HATE YOU.
Friday, October 26, 2007
...electronic little bugs from cyber space
Attention all! This is a very important Friday Fuck You because it has taken a while for me to find a worth while thing to post about, because normally my time at sterling is enjoyable; but boy is this one a doozie.
So this all started this past Thursday when I woke up and went on my computer to check me emails like I do every morning, and saw that I had an update for the new AIM that was out so I click on it and head to breakfast. Upon returning from breakfast I just head right out for class. After I had my class I come back to my computer to find it flooded with pop ups and notifications about viruses and warning of all types. Freaked out I start X'in them all out so I can see what the hell is the matter. Well some how between breakfast and class a virus... excuse me multiple viruses got into my computer and clogged up the whole thing. So now I go around searching for what it is so I can get rid of it, no luck it just keep getting more frustrating and I am beginning to lose it. After about 20 or 30 minutes of holding it in I slam my fist on the desk while screaming obscenities at the computer at the top of my lungs. So I grab my car keys and head out driving to who knows where, well I end up driving for about an hour going all over Vermont, wanting to speed more than I was but the fucking dirt roads I was on was slowing me down. By the end of the drive I was much more calm and just turned off my computer where it has remained in that state till now when I just turned it back on. But what is still happening is I have a new toolbar on my internet which I can't get rid of, still have the random pop ups telling me to down load this soft ware to fix the problem… well I'm not that dumb I'm not going to fucking click on a website that pops up after I get a virus that's is how you make things work. Every thing is incredibly slow and I still am getting pop up and notifications saying I have a problem. So now I got to go and get my computer cleaned out this weekend when I go home. So to all the fucking electronic little bugs from cyber space living inside my fucking computer slowing it down and causing me to go insane FUCK YOU!
So this all started this past Thursday when I woke up and went on my computer to check me emails like I do every morning, and saw that I had an update for the new AIM that was out so I click on it and head to breakfast. Upon returning from breakfast I just head right out for class. After I had my class I come back to my computer to find it flooded with pop ups and notifications about viruses and warning of all types. Freaked out I start X'in them all out so I can see what the hell is the matter. Well some how between breakfast and class a virus... excuse me multiple viruses got into my computer and clogged up the whole thing. So now I go around searching for what it is so I can get rid of it, no luck it just keep getting more frustrating and I am beginning to lose it. After about 20 or 30 minutes of holding it in I slam my fist on the desk while screaming obscenities at the computer at the top of my lungs. So I grab my car keys and head out driving to who knows where, well I end up driving for about an hour going all over Vermont, wanting to speed more than I was but the fucking dirt roads I was on was slowing me down. By the end of the drive I was much more calm and just turned off my computer where it has remained in that state till now when I just turned it back on. But what is still happening is I have a new toolbar on my internet which I can't get rid of, still have the random pop ups telling me to down load this soft ware to fix the problem… well I'm not that dumb I'm not going to fucking click on a website that pops up after I get a virus that's is how you make things work. Every thing is incredibly slow and I still am getting pop up and notifications saying I have a problem. So now I got to go and get my computer cleaned out this weekend when I go home. So to all the fucking electronic little bugs from cyber space living inside my fucking computer slowing it down and causing me to go insane FUCK YOU!
Friday, September 28, 2007
...Asian plague of disastrous proportions
First off I apologize for missing a few weeks but when I am up here at school not much pisses me off; well at least not enough for me to write about it.
But for the past week or so I have been strangely ill with what we Sterling folk have dubbed the "plague" for its incredibly contagious habits and numerous symptoms. The plague started in Japan and made its way back here the good ole USA from our returning school mates. So now every one here is exhibiting different symptoms, I have been fortunate enough to obtain this plague, which first started off as a runny / blocked nose and then moved on to leaving me freezing cold in the middle of the day when it was not out plus a fever. Along with that comes violent stomach pains which makes you feel as though you either need to vomit or shit your brains out as well as loss of appetite. So this has been my welcome back here for the past week. So to this Asian plague of disastrous proportions I give a HUGE FUCK YOU!
But for the past week or so I have been strangely ill with what we Sterling folk have dubbed the "plague" for its incredibly contagious habits and numerous symptoms. The plague started in Japan and made its way back here the good ole USA from our returning school mates. So now every one here is exhibiting different symptoms, I have been fortunate enough to obtain this plague, which first started off as a runny / blocked nose and then moved on to leaving me freezing cold in the middle of the day when it was not out plus a fever. Along with that comes violent stomach pains which makes you feel as though you either need to vomit or shit your brains out as well as loss of appetite. So this has been my welcome back here for the past week. So to this Asian plague of disastrous proportions I give a HUGE FUCK YOU!
Friday, September 7, 2007
...highly decorated, incredibly vibrant license plate
Well today while Angela and I were in Petsmart we had made our purchases and left the store. During our exit I notice this…

What the fuck is this! I can't stand this you get a new sticker you put it over the old one or peel the old one off and then put it in the corner that clearly says "year". Now why would you want to have all of these freaking stickers all over your plate! So you can show off to the people driving behind you how many years you have had this plate?! This guy has stickers on there from 1995; that is over 10 years ago!! And as you can tell by the picture I think this guy final realized that maybe he should put stickers over other sticks instead of going around the entire plate. So I bet that there was once sticker from '91 and '93 under the '07 and '09 ones. This plate was so freaking colorful that I thought I was having an acid trip or something, I would not be surprised if small children walked by this car and just fell down and started convulsing! And since we are on this why not go deeper… 5 numbers?! What are you're from fucking Florida? Are you to special for a sequence of 6 number and letters like every one else in Mass? Just for having this on your car makes me want to rear end your car! Over all this highly decorated, incredibly vibrant license plate defiantly deserves a big FUCK YOU! from me.
What the fuck is this! I can't stand this you get a new sticker you put it over the old one or peel the old one off and then put it in the corner that clearly says "year". Now why would you want to have all of these freaking stickers all over your plate! So you can show off to the people driving behind you how many years you have had this plate?! This guy has stickers on there from 1995; that is over 10 years ago!! And as you can tell by the picture I think this guy final realized that maybe he should put stickers over other sticks instead of going around the entire plate. So I bet that there was once sticker from '91 and '93 under the '07 and '09 ones. This plate was so freaking colorful that I thought I was having an acid trip or something, I would not be surprised if small children walked by this car and just fell down and started convulsing! And since we are on this why not go deeper… 5 numbers?! What are you're from fucking Florida? Are you to special for a sequence of 6 number and letters like every one else in Mass? Just for having this on your car makes me want to rear end your car! Over all this highly decorated, incredibly vibrant license plate defiantly deserves a big FUCK YOU! from me.
Friday, August 31, 2007
annoying child spawn of a pessimist
Ok so yesterday (Thursday) Matt, Steph, Kory, Angie and myself all went over to P-town for the day. so while in P-town we hit up all the good shops full of crazy things, fun toys, clothing and such. So we come upon a fun store full of puzzle like toys and games. So many fun things to play with, so I'm looking around for a rubix cube because I've always wanted one to prove that I'm smart and stuff. Unfortunately they were out of them but I did find a rubix sphere! Which is very similar but ball shaped. So I'm having fun playing with it in the store and decide to buy it. Bring it to the register and apparently Kory Said that the cashier guy was scoping me out, but I didn't notice. So once I'm out side the store I open it up and it is completed so that you know what it is supposed to look like when its finished, I shift it around a few times and pass it to every one else to shift it. I get it back and start trying to solve it. We move on down to the pier and we are sitting there and matt is playing with his Diabolo thingy that he bought and I am messing around with this ball from hell, after matt hits me in the head with the Diablo thing this kid on a bike comes up and asked matt if he knows what he is doing... Here's the conversation…
Kid – Do you know how to do that?
Matt – Nope
Kid – Then why did you buy it?
Matt – to try something fun
Kid – It doesn't look fun
*Kid leaves*
*Kid returns* now focused on me
*Me trying to solve the ball*
Kid – You're never going to get that
Josh – Oh Ill get it
Kid – No you won't
Josh – Don't worry I'm good at these things ill get it
*Kid leaves*
*Josh pretends to throw ball at kid*
How freaking annoying is that! That kid completely jinxed me on that ball! Now every time I pick it up I think of him, this little freaking helmet wearing; bike riding; annoying child spawn of a pessimist! So kid if you are reading this FUCK YOU!!!! Next time is see you I'm gunna push you off your little bike and off the pier at the same time, while holding a ladder just above your reach saying "you're never going to get it" while you are splashing around in the water. FUCK YOU!
Kid – Do you know how to do that?
Matt – Nope
Kid – Then why did you buy it?
Matt – to try something fun
Kid – It doesn't look fun
*Kid leaves*
*Kid returns* now focused on me
*Me trying to solve the ball*
Kid – You're never going to get that
Josh – Oh Ill get it
Kid – No you won't
Josh – Don't worry I'm good at these things ill get it
*Kid leaves*
*Josh pretends to throw ball at kid*
How freaking annoying is that! That kid completely jinxed me on that ball! Now every time I pick it up I think of him, this little freaking helmet wearing; bike riding; annoying child spawn of a pessimist! So kid if you are reading this FUCK YOU!!!! Next time is see you I'm gunna push you off your little bike and off the pier at the same time, while holding a ladder just above your reach saying "you're never going to get it" while you are splashing around in the water. FUCK YOU!
Friday, August 17, 2007
evil symphonizing crickets from hell
It has been a long while since I last posted but when my job is as repetitive as most things can be, things don't seem to bother you as much as it would if it didn't happen all the time. But that's a different story...
This weeks Friday Fuck You goes out to the reason that I have trouble sleeping at night, Crickets. Yes crickets, those little tiny freaking bugs that love to make noise. Now I love the sounds of crickets when I am camping out in the woods away from every thing and anything. but the crickets I am talking about live in my room, now keep in mind that I live in the basement so I don't find it that strange that they are there. So anyways the sound of crickets is usually a soothing sound that reminds people of the great out doors. But alas not me, you see these crickets are in my room as I have stated. And when they are in my room they then become loud as hell! These little evil bastards with their tiny violins from hell do not stop with their continual music. I stomped out 4 of them last night and still they are there in numbers probably more than I can imagine. When they are playing this symphony of violent decibels they are playing it within the furnace, which only makes it louder! So to all you little evil symphonizing crickets from hell FUCK YOU! And your little violins of fire.
Here's a video to explain it what i mean....
This weeks Friday Fuck You goes out to the reason that I have trouble sleeping at night, Crickets. Yes crickets, those little tiny freaking bugs that love to make noise. Now I love the sounds of crickets when I am camping out in the woods away from every thing and anything. but the crickets I am talking about live in my room, now keep in mind that I live in the basement so I don't find it that strange that they are there. So anyways the sound of crickets is usually a soothing sound that reminds people of the great out doors. But alas not me, you see these crickets are in my room as I have stated. And when they are in my room they then become loud as hell! These little evil bastards with their tiny violins from hell do not stop with their continual music. I stomped out 4 of them last night and still they are there in numbers probably more than I can imagine. When they are playing this symphony of violent decibels they are playing it within the furnace, which only makes it louder! So to all you little evil symphonizing crickets from hell FUCK YOU! And your little violins of fire.
Here's a video to explain it what i mean....
Friday, June 15, 2007
Car Shopping
Ok so for this weeks FFY we have to rewind just a bit to last week… well wait hold on it starts a little bit before that but either way here we go… so while driving back and forth to work I notice that Dimitri is over heating a lot, but I cant tell if it is actually happening or if it is the gauge or something so I kind of ignore it. (duh that's what you do to problems) so anyways I final bring it into the shop after dad tells me that when I notice this happening to get out and feel the radiator and see if it is hot or cold... Pretty simple I can do that. So after driving my 45 minute commute to Plymouth I get out while the car is running and feel the radiator… its ice cold… strange the gauge said it should be on fire right now. So the next day I took it into the garage to check out to see if I need a new radiator or what. Well what does it figure that my problem is the "or what"… which translates into a blown (or about to blow head gasket) which is pretty damn expensive and for the year of the car it's not worth it, so the garage tells me to junk it. Any who knows me knows that I will never just junk a perfectly running car especially not in the summer! It's freaking demo season! So I just got my self a good running derby car, SWEET!
Now the only problem is I need to find a new car…. I hate car shopping. It sucks you can never find what you really want and you always settle fro something that you can just "deal" with. And of course it happens in the beginning of summer when I have no money. So now for the past three weeks I have been driving mom's car to work and not spending any money except to put gas in the car to get me to work. Well I found a car that I really want. It's a '95 Pontiac Grand Am, two doors, duel exhaust, black with a sun roof and only 121,000 miles. Hey that is pretty sweet! The only problem is that the junk yard that is selling it is trying to get a new title for it so it's going to be a while before they can actually sell it. So I have left many messages and stopped in every other day or so to check up on the status of the title process, and they said that it should be about $750 - $800 and that's not really that bad and ill have that by next week or so. So I haven't heard back from then yet but I found out that there is another guy interested in it as well but I think he wants it for parts or something cause he was already driving a grand am, and that would suck cause it's a real nice car to part it out would be a shame. So I am hopelessly set on getting this car because it is what I really wanted last time I was car shopping and now I found it and it is within my grasp. But I really just want to say FUCK YOU to the whole car shopping process, it sucks and I hate it and a possible future FUCK YOU to the person that buys the Grand Am before I can.
Now the only problem is I need to find a new car…. I hate car shopping. It sucks you can never find what you really want and you always settle fro something that you can just "deal" with. And of course it happens in the beginning of summer when I have no money. So now for the past three weeks I have been driving mom's car to work and not spending any money except to put gas in the car to get me to work. Well I found a car that I really want. It's a '95 Pontiac Grand Am, two doors, duel exhaust, black with a sun roof and only 121,000 miles. Hey that is pretty sweet! The only problem is that the junk yard that is selling it is trying to get a new title for it so it's going to be a while before they can actually sell it. So I have left many messages and stopped in every other day or so to check up on the status of the title process, and they said that it should be about $750 - $800 and that's not really that bad and ill have that by next week or so. So I haven't heard back from then yet but I found out that there is another guy interested in it as well but I think he wants it for parts or something cause he was already driving a grand am, and that would suck cause it's a real nice car to part it out would be a shame. So I am hopelessly set on getting this car because it is what I really wanted last time I was car shopping and now I found it and it is within my grasp. But I really just want to say FUCK YOU to the whole car shopping process, it sucks and I hate it and a possible future FUCK YOU to the person that buys the Grand Am before I can.
Friday, June 1, 2007
so tonight was the premier of the pirate master, a new reality TV show on which people live out the lives of pirates on the open seas one real life ship as pirates would have done. so for the first adventure for the pirates there is of course buried treasure and a map to follow, so they all get split into two teams; as is the case of any "survivor" type show, and off they go following the map and some clues. so they get to the first clue and there is a lock and three keys and no one can figure out how to open it, one guy finally says its a puzzle and the there is a sequence to it and bam he gets it open and they are now in the lead and off on the next part, to find the treasure! so off they go, they set up a booby trap to slow the other team down and are at the final location, and no one can figure out where the chest is hidden in the water and there is a clue of crocodiles or something like that, so the same guy who figure out the lock says to him self... hmm crocs live under mangroves trees so ill check under the mangrove trees, he goes under and bam comes up with the chest. YARR! So now we are all back on the boat and there is $40,000 in pirate gold in the chest, now they need to pick a captain... hmm who should it be? The smart guy who got us through the adventure of the hunky guy who did nothing... that's right the hunky guy and boy is the other guy pissed! And now the new captain has to decide whether to split the gold equally amongst every one or take 50% for him self and divide the rest and that's what he does. So now the guy who got that team through the challenges has a measly $2000 for doing everything, he is pissed through the roof! So now the new captain has a real nice room with luxuries and a cool hat and every one else still sucks. so the next night is a meeting of where 3 people get "the black spot" which means the captain wants them off the boat, so our pissed off smart guy, a funny guy with a beard and a random girl (honestly she was chosen randomly!) have a black spot, sot hey all get to plead with the crew in why they shouldn't leave, well our smart guy is smart he steals the compasses cause a ship is no good with out direction every one knows that! the captain says he doesn't need a compass he can tell where north is by the sun and the big dipper, and by sticking a stick in the mud waiting a half hour and figuring how much the shadow has moved blah blah blah... well every one votes and what do you know THE SMART GUY GETS VOTES OFF!!! So now the ship has no compasses! And the guy who did everything right is off on a tiny little raft with $2000 and some compasses for all of his hard work...
So does this make any sense? Why would you get ride of the guy who is a major help aboard the ship in figuring out puzzles and shit? He wasn't asking to be captain but to get rid of the captain who took half of the treasure that he didn't find and to keep him and the compasses which he stole because it's a pirate adventure and that's what pirates do. well I am quite pissed about the turn of event on that ship and I cant wait to watch it again next week and from here on out to see if my smart pirate guy ever does return; maybe on a deserted island or on a ship of his own? Who know but what I do know is that the crew of that ship who all voted to keep the captain deserve a BIG FUCK YOU!
So does this make any sense? Why would you get ride of the guy who is a major help aboard the ship in figuring out puzzles and shit? He wasn't asking to be captain but to get rid of the captain who took half of the treasure that he didn't find and to keep him and the compasses which he stole because it's a pirate adventure and that's what pirates do. well I am quite pissed about the turn of event on that ship and I cant wait to watch it again next week and from here on out to see if my smart pirate guy ever does return; maybe on a deserted island or on a ship of his own? Who know but what I do know is that the crew of that ship who all voted to keep the captain deserve a BIG FUCK YOU!
Friday, May 18, 2007
Face Book
When I started my journey here on MySpace it was out of boredom. And sadly I just created a face book out of boredom… now wait! Before every one jumps on me all at once saying "hey you said you would never get a face book, what gives?" I was bored and looking for people that weren't on MySpace so I figured id look on face book. Now this doesn't mean that I am going to leave MySpace for face book, personally I still hate face book and pretty much every I know who has a MySpace has a face book so there isn't really a need for both of them. I'm not even sure if I will keep it and if you search for me on there you will see my complete distaste for it.
Now some of you may ask "Josh why is it that you detest face book the way you do?" well I'm glad you asked… face book sucks, its not very personal, you cant "decorate" as you can with MySpace, some things cost money to do, and you cant be a "stalker" and view peoples profiles with being their friend, and face book sends you an email every time something happens on your page; i dont need that junk mail! i know it happened i jsut made it happen stop with the emails! All of these things listed are why I like MySpace. You can make it your own, with music and background and layouts galore! Its free no charges at all, not even optional ones! I can be a "stalker" if I want to be and no one will ever know (because those page trackers don't work). So even know I have a face book I still think it sucks balls, and I will stick to MySpace I will most likely never update face book except for friend requests. So to all you Face Book loving MySpace Haters and people who may think I'm a traitor for even joining the face book community I say Fuck You; you Suck and so does face book!
Now some of you may ask "Josh why is it that you detest face book the way you do?" well I'm glad you asked… face book sucks, its not very personal, you cant "decorate" as you can with MySpace, some things cost money to do, and you cant be a "stalker" and view peoples profiles with being their friend, and face book sends you an email every time something happens on your page; i dont need that junk mail! i know it happened i jsut made it happen stop with the emails! All of these things listed are why I like MySpace. You can make it your own, with music and background and layouts galore! Its free no charges at all, not even optional ones! I can be a "stalker" if I want to be and no one will ever know (because those page trackers don't work). So even know I have a face book I still think it sucks balls, and I will stick to MySpace I will most likely never update face book except for friend requests. So to all you Face Book loving MySpace Haters and people who may think I'm a traitor for even joining the face book community I say Fuck You; you Suck and so does face book!
Friday, May 4, 2007
grief searching story telling wierd-o's
This FFY goes out to people that cant let go; you know the people the ones who always talk about the same thing not matter the curernt converstion is. you know that as soon as they start talking that somehow it will lead right into what they always talk about. i cant stand this! you see them coming and you jsut want to leave so you dont have to hear them talk about it or when they are there you dread that moment they chime in and you know its coming becasue it alwasy does. doesnt matter what the topic is... it could be Sky Diving on Mars with 3 legged Panda Bears but as soon as this person talks BAM its right back to their pitty story. and the only reason they do this is because they cant drop it, it ruins their life because they cant drop it! Move on, forget about it, go take a nap just do soemthing besides bringing up your sob story topic. So for all of you grief searching story telling wierd-o's... FUCK YOU!
Friday, April 6, 2007
Love Birds
I was home this weekend and went around to some places to pick up applications for Angie, we went to pet supply plus in brockton and i was over looking at the animals they have you knwo the usual a few hamsters, rats, bunny, cockatiels, finches and love birds. now while looking at the love birds i notice a sign that says " must be sold in pairs" after reading i look back at the birds and begin ot count them 1 love bird... 2 love birds... 3 love birds... 4 love birds... 5 love birds (ah ha ha) 5 love birds... strange if they have to be sold in pairs why is ther an odd number?? either there is a group of 3 polymoris love birds where they all love each other? or is ther one love bird that gets left out of all of the loving? this really bothered me how could the store put up sign saying they must be sold in pairs if ther is not an equal amount of birds! now it says they must be bought in pairs not in groups of 3 or one bird by its self that would be agianst the sign! what the hell is going on when love birds have to remain in a cage when they have no one to love, but every one else around them has another bird to roost with?! somethign needs to be done about this fiasco! i say that every one should go there and tell pet smart to either change the sign, get another bird, kill one randomly, or just go up to them and say "FUCK YOU"
Friday, March 23, 2007
talking but no walking people of athurity
My Fuck You go out to people who bitch and complain about cleanliness. I am probably one of the most cleanest people i know what with my OCD and all. So why is it that when it is my week to do dorm chores and i am cleaning that people come to complain about the "mess" that i need to clean. so it all started when it was my week and E-Rat the river rat told me it was my week which i appreciated because i was unaware, and i am on my way to the bathroom and the sink if filled with hair and shaving cream, now thispissed em off becaseu this happens all the time and the person that does this NEVER clean up after himself, so i refused to clean it. It is not the dorm chores persons job to clean up after other peoples neglagence! so i went all day with out cleaning it hopeing that the person would clean it up, and its not hard to figure out who it was, when they are the only one with a shaved face, but it never got cleaned so after like 3 people telling me to clean i finnaly go to clean. so i go to the closet to get the cleaning materials, adn they are all pretty much gone. ther are no rubber gloves to clean the toilet with, luckily matt has a supply. there is no cleaner and what ther is for cleaner it is completely watered down and pretty much useless. so i make a concoction of dawn and water in a spray bottle instead. so i spend about an hour cleaning the dorm, not happily may i add. and then the next day i get informed that i need to clean once again, so i go on a rant about how i just cleaned for the past three days with minimal cleaning supplies and how i was not going to clean up after people neglagence and suggested that we have a meeting about self cleanliness and the possibility of beeter cleaning supplies. Finnaly today i pretty much get told that the meeting is not going to happen and our box got recycled today as well! so now we have no table once again, because the box is seen as clutter. So you Fucking overly talking but no walking people of "athourity" FUCK YOU ! let me clean on my fucking own you god dam slobs!
Friday, March 16, 2007
Green Eggs (Field Reporter Exry)
Well todays Friday fuck you comes straight from our reporter in the field.
Green Eggs and Ham - Dr. Suess. a childrens classic about the importance of trying new things...almost everyone has read it and understands at some point the message conveyed...NOT HERE.
i tried to make green eggs for St. Patricks day brunch and low and behold all the pussies here freaked out and bitched and complained...honest ta god its green food coloring!!! theres no need to get all up set, and chances are you went back to your dorm and are gonna talk about it for the rest of the week.
people here really are such pussies. we have to edit our speech, edit our meals, and even edit the color of our eggs b/c this is where all the over sensitive people go to college, can you imagine what life would be like for them if they went to a State school or university.
who knows maybe it will even come up at community meeting and for that i'll say "you will like them you will see, try them try them 1...2...3"
Green Eggs and Ham - Dr. Suess. a childrens classic about the importance of trying new things...almost everyone has read it and understands at some point the message conveyed...NOT HERE.
i tried to make green eggs for St. Patricks day brunch and low and behold all the pussies here freaked out and bitched and complained...honest ta god its green food coloring!!! theres no need to get all up set, and chances are you went back to your dorm and are gonna talk about it for the rest of the week.
people here really are such pussies. we have to edit our speech, edit our meals, and even edit the color of our eggs b/c this is where all the over sensitive people go to college, can you imagine what life would be like for them if they went to a State school or university.
who knows maybe it will even come up at community meeting and for that i'll say "you will like them you will see, try them try them 1...2...3"
Friday, March 9, 2007
underage seat taking mother fuckers
Well this just kinda erked me today so ill write ti in to share... a few of us went to see 300 and it was amazing, but we went to see it in Stowe becasue that was the closet place it was showing, nto that its that far but its further than morrisville. the cool thing about this theater is that they serve alcohol there! and its nto just at the counter, they come over to you while you are seated, kinda like at a baseball game. except that they only do this to the people in the back section of the theater. so we go in and want some beers cause thats a cool thing, but all the seats in the back were filled with people who were deffiantly not old enough to get sold alcohol, so we had to sit in the front and not get served beer while younger folk sat in the back and didnt get served because they were not able to! and i really felt like telling them to move so that i could have a beer but alas i am too nice for that so i didnt get to have amy beer while watching the movie. so to all you underage seat taking mother fuckers! FUCK YOU!
Friday, March 2, 2007
Bizarro Josh's
alright this is dumb and most people wont get it except maybe Angie but I wanna say Fuck You to all the people that look like me and have the same name as me, common you know you hate that too! when some one else you meet is like "hey you remind me of so and so..." I get that so much its unbelievable and alot of the time its with other Josh's as well. so to all you Bizarro Josh's out there FUCK YOU!
Friday, February 16, 2007
crazy fucking freaked out feminist's
Alright this one is probably long over due but lately there has been an "equality" movement here at school and it is driving me (and a lot of people) nuts! Okay so there is people that want equality so what do they do, they make a women's group and start up a major feminist movement here on campus. Does that even make sense? So now because of this movement I have to be cautious of what I say and do, because some one might get offended by it. And now there are all these activities that only women can attend, how does that create equality?! There is a large group of us who see this as just a bad idea all around so we all sat together and thought of doing an event that every one can come to, and announce it so that it is obviously a stab at what is going on. Now whether people pick up on that or not isn't really what we care about but mainly just to show that we would rather have every one together having a good time than in separate groups. Now you might be thinking, if there is a woman's group; why not make a men's group? First of all none or at least of lot of us men don't want a group for just men, and besides that is just separating the sexes even more and creating LESS equality. And not every one in the group that is hosting the pizza party is all male, so that wouldn't work. We are just trying to get our point across that the women here on campus should not feel afraid of the men on campus and feel that they need a women's group. But hopefully this pizza party will be a blast; we already have about 30 people signed up to attend so we are all sure that it will be a success.
But really my main focus here today is to show my disliking of the lack of equality due to this "equality" movement. So crazy fucking freaked out feminist's FUCK YOU!
But really my main focus here today is to show my disliking of the lack of equality due to this "equality" movement. So crazy fucking freaked out feminist's FUCK YOU!
Friday, February 9, 2007
Soup (rewind)
This weeks fuck you is actually a rewind to almost one year ago, to popssibly one of the best fuck you i ever gave, thats right its the return of the soup fuck you. enjoy :)
February 3rd 2006
welcome back again the "friday fuck you" for a nother exciting adventure in what pisses me off. this weeks fuck you goes out to Soup. no soup is not a nickname for some one i know or a place but it is just what it says... soup. i do not like soup, for me soup is not yummy or convenient, but overly wasteful. as the mainly carnivorus person that i am vegtables rank very low on the food chain. and Soup mainly consists of veggies! so if i do decide to consume a bowl of the brothy goodness it seems to me to be a waste of food. for the only part of the meal i eat is the broth, leaving a pile of green type foods on the bottom of the bowl. i dont like to waste food so soup doesnt make much sense to me, there are just a few exceptions to this 'fuck you'
1. Chicken noddle Soup - it contains chicken(meat) and noodles(pasta) chicken and pasta is a good meal.
2. Beef Stew - not exactly a soup but in the same family. and it once agian contains meat.
3. broccoli and cheddar soup - it contians broccoli one of my favorite vegtables and also cheddar thats it nothing else, no hidden surprises in my soup here.
so you may be asking yourself "why soup? why has this inanimate object become the subject of an intire journal entry and why are you saying 'fuck you' to soup?? well i am saying 'fuck you' to soup for making itself a very easy meal to create and for my school for serving it every day, and once this week it was served for both lunch and dinner! taht is why is say "FUCK YOU" Soup!
February 3rd 2006
welcome back again the "friday fuck you" for a nother exciting adventure in what pisses me off. this weeks fuck you goes out to Soup. no soup is not a nickname for some one i know or a place but it is just what it says... soup. i do not like soup, for me soup is not yummy or convenient, but overly wasteful. as the mainly carnivorus person that i am vegtables rank very low on the food chain. and Soup mainly consists of veggies! so if i do decide to consume a bowl of the brothy goodness it seems to me to be a waste of food. for the only part of the meal i eat is the broth, leaving a pile of green type foods on the bottom of the bowl. i dont like to waste food so soup doesnt make much sense to me, there are just a few exceptions to this 'fuck you'
1. Chicken noddle Soup - it contains chicken(meat) and noodles(pasta) chicken and pasta is a good meal.
2. Beef Stew - not exactly a soup but in the same family. and it once agian contains meat.
3. broccoli and cheddar soup - it contians broccoli one of my favorite vegtables and also cheddar thats it nothing else, no hidden surprises in my soup here.
so you may be asking yourself "why soup? why has this inanimate object become the subject of an intire journal entry and why are you saying 'fuck you' to soup?? well i am saying 'fuck you' to soup for making itself a very easy meal to create and for my school for serving it every day, and once this week it was served for both lunch and dinner! taht is why is say "FUCK YOU" Soup!
Friday, February 2, 2007
Job Haters
This is going to be an strange one but let me give you some back history.... ok so my job here at Sterling is being a residence counselor, which means that I make hours and be at a certain place at those times so that if any one needs some one to talk to they can talk to me, you know just as a friend not a teacher or some one who will criticize you or something. okay so I have this job and a lot of people don't take advantage of this (aka not many people come to talk to me) but I do get people every once and a while, but my problem with this is that a lot of people don't think that I do anything... partially because I do these hours in my room and when I am waiting to see if some one will show up that day I can do anything from reading a book, play Nintendo or I can do homework to even taking a nap; as long as I am where I say I am when I say I will be there I can get my work hours for it. But sadly a lot of people see my job as a joke and think that I do nothing and get my hours for it, and yes it does have a lot of down time, but I also have had a lot of training and go to seminars and meetings for this job as well. And those are not the funnest things ever let me tell you. So it's not really like I am some Joe schmoe telling people they can talk to me. But yet some people still find my job as a big joke and it pisses me off a whole lot when they say these things to me about my job here. So for all of you who think that I get to sit on my ass and play Nintendo and slack off and get hours for it. Fuck you and I am serious FUCK OFF YOU WANT MY JOB THAN YOU CAN HAVE IT, YOU WONT LAST! ITS HARD TRAINING AND SHIT FOR THIS JOB SO REALLY PLEASE...FUCK OFF
So for those people who don't understand the nature of my job and the actual amount of work I put into it FUCK YOU!
So for those people who don't understand the nature of my job and the actual amount of work I put into it FUCK YOU!
Friday, January 26, 2007
Monpoly Mother Fuckers
okay first i am sorry for missing last week, nothing pissed me off so its hard to think of things when your having a good week.this weeks goes out to crazy monopoly players. yeap to those people who get outraged when they miss that you landed on their spot and demand the money, i say fuck that you missed it, but they scream and shout about it even though they dont get it anyways and then because they are making a fuss about it they missed it once again... i cant help these people thats why we set down the rules at the begining of the game although we will be playing again becasue soem people had to leave and then subtitutes come in for them and thats when this situation really happens. hey, i cant help it that you just jumped into a game and you dont know which properties you own. you have to pay attention. all i gotta say is FUCK YOU!
Friday, January 12, 2007
majorly over paid "athletes"
This I heard on the radio on the way to bring Angie home just a few minutes ago. David Beckham (a well know soccer player) just signed a 5 year deal with the LA Galaxy for $250 million that is about $50 million a year!! MY Freaking god! is this how much money we are pay people to kick a ball?!! And he isnt even that good, i dont follow soccer but ive ben reading to get the full story and most people say he is average.lets see some stats....
Fireman - $50 - $60,000
Polce Officer - $40 - $60,000
Astronaut - $100,000
Presodent of the US - $400,000
Tom Brady -$1,000,000
Tom Cruise - $13,000,000
David Beckham - $50,000,000
Does any one else see something wrong with this?? this is just outragous! i think there is alot of more usful things that we coud be doing with this money that paying people to kick and throw balls around. i find this outragous, but what can you do besides Fuck that. well thats exactly what I am going to do... David Beckham and other majorly over paid "athletes" FUCK YOU!!!
Fireman - $50 - $60,000
Polce Officer - $40 - $60,000
Astronaut - $100,000
Presodent of the US - $400,000
Tom Brady -$1,000,000
Tom Cruise - $13,000,000
David Beckham - $50,000,000
Does any one else see something wrong with this?? this is just outragous! i think there is alot of more usful things that we coud be doing with this money that paying people to kick and throw balls around. i find this outragous, but what can you do besides Fuck that. well thats exactly what I am going to do... David Beckham and other majorly over paid "athletes" FUCK YOU!!!
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