Friday, March 23, 2007

talking but no walking people of athurity

My Fuck You go out to people who bitch and complain about cleanliness. I am probably one of the most cleanest people i know what with my OCD and all. So why is it that when it is my week to do dorm chores and i am cleaning that people come to complain about the "mess" that i need to clean. so it all started when it was my week and E-Rat the river rat told me it was my week which i appreciated because i was unaware, and i am on my way to the bathroom and the sink if filled with hair and shaving cream, now thispissed em off becaseu this happens all the time and the person that does this NEVER clean up after himself, so i refused to clean it. It is not the dorm chores persons job to clean up after other peoples neglagence! so i went all day with out cleaning it hopeing that the person would clean it up, and its not hard to figure out who it was, when they are the only one with a shaved face, but it never got cleaned so after like 3 people telling me to clean i finnaly go to clean. so i go to the closet to get the cleaning materials, adn they are all pretty much gone. ther are no rubber gloves to clean the toilet with, luckily matt has a supply. there is no cleaner and what ther is for cleaner it is completely watered down and pretty much useless. so i make a concoction of dawn and water in a spray bottle instead. so i spend about an hour cleaning the dorm, not happily may i add. and then the next day i get informed that i need to clean once again, so i go on a rant about how i just cleaned for the past three days with minimal cleaning supplies and how i was not going to clean up after people neglagence and suggested that we have a meeting about self cleanliness and the possibility of beeter cleaning supplies. Finnaly today i pretty much get told that the meeting is not going to happen and our box got recycled today as well! so now we have no table once again, because the box is seen as clutter. So you Fucking overly talking but no walking people of "athourity" FUCK YOU ! let me clean on my fucking own you god dam slobs!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Green Eggs (Field Reporter Exry)

Well todays Friday fuck you comes straight from our reporter in the field.

Green Eggs and Ham - Dr. Suess. a childrens classic about the importance of trying new things...almost everyone has read it and understands at some point the message conveyed...NOT HERE.

i tried to make green eggs for St. Patricks day brunch and low and behold all the pussies here freaked out and bitched and complained...honest ta god its green food coloring!!! theres no need to get all up set, and chances are you went back to your dorm and are gonna talk about it for the rest of the week.

people here really are such pussies. we have to edit our speech, edit our meals, and even edit the color of our eggs b/c this is where all the over sensitive people go to college, can you imagine what life would be like for them if they went to a State school or university.

who knows maybe it will even come up at community meeting and for that i'll say "you will like them you will see, try them try them 1...2...3"


Friday, March 9, 2007

underage seat taking mother fuckers

Well this just kinda erked me today so ill write ti in to share... a few of us went to see 300 and it was amazing, but we went to see it in Stowe becasue that was the closet place it was showing, nto that its that far but its further than morrisville. the cool thing about this theater is that they serve alcohol there! and its nto just at the counter, they come over to you while you are seated, kinda like at a baseball game. except that they only do this to the people in the back section of the theater. so we go in and want some beers cause thats a cool thing, but all the seats in the back were filled with people who were deffiantly not old enough to get sold alcohol, so we had to sit in the front and not get served beer while younger folk sat in the back and didnt get served because they were not able to! and i really felt like telling them to move so that i could have a beer but alas i am too nice for that so i didnt get to have amy beer while watching the movie. so to all you underage seat taking mother fuckers! FUCK YOU!

Friday, March 2, 2007

Bizarro Josh's

alright this is dumb and most people wont get it except maybe Angie but I wanna say Fuck You to all the people that look like me and have the same name as me, common you know you hate that too! when some one else you meet is like "hey you remind me of so and so..." I get that so much its unbelievable and alot of the time its with other Josh's as well. so to all you Bizarro Josh's out there FUCK YOU!