Friday, August 31, 2007

annoying child spawn of a pessimist

Ok so yesterday (Thursday) Matt, Steph, Kory, Angie and myself all went over to P-town for the day. so while in P-town we hit up all the good shops full of crazy things, fun toys, clothing and such. So we come upon a fun store full of puzzle like toys and games. So many fun things to play with, so I'm looking around for a rubix cube because I've always wanted one to prove that I'm smart and stuff. Unfortunately they were out of them but I did find a rubix sphere! Which is very similar but ball shaped. So I'm having fun playing with it in the store and decide to buy it. Bring it to the register and apparently Kory Said that the cashier guy was scoping me out, but I didn't notice. So once I'm out side the store I open it up and it is completed so that you know what it is supposed to look like when its finished, I shift it around a few times and pass it to every one else to shift it. I get it back and start trying to solve it. We move on down to the pier and we are sitting there and matt is playing with his Diabolo thingy that he bought and I am messing around with this ball from hell, after matt hits me in the head with the Diablo thing this kid on a bike comes up and asked matt if he knows what he is doing... Here's the conversation…

Kid – Do you know how to do that?
Matt – Nope
Kid – Then why did you buy it?
Matt – to try something fun
Kid – It doesn't look fun
*Kid leaves*

*Kid returns* now focused on me
*Me trying to solve the ball*
Kid – You're never going to get that
Josh – Oh Ill get it
Kid – No you won't
Josh – Don't worry I'm good at these things ill get it
*Kid leaves*
*Josh pretends to throw ball at kid*

How freaking annoying is that! That kid completely jinxed me on that ball! Now every time I pick it up I think of him, this little freaking helmet wearing; bike riding; annoying child spawn of a pessimist! So kid if you are reading this FUCK YOU!!!! Next time is see you I'm gunna push you off your little bike and off the pier at the same time, while holding a ladder just above your reach saying "you're never going to get it" while you are splashing around in the water. FUCK YOU!

Friday, August 17, 2007

evil symphonizing crickets from hell

It has been a long while since I last posted but when my job is as repetitive as most things can be, things don't seem to bother you as much as it would if it didn't happen all the time. But that's a different story...
This weeks Friday Fuck You goes out to the reason that I have trouble sleeping at night, Crickets. Yes crickets, those little tiny freaking bugs that love to make noise. Now I love the sounds of crickets when I am camping out in the woods away from every thing and anything. but the crickets I am talking about live in my room, now keep in mind that I live in the basement so I don't find it that strange that they are there. So anyways the sound of crickets is usually a soothing sound that reminds people of the great out doors. But alas not me, you see these crickets are in my room as I have stated. And when they are in my room they then become loud as hell! These little evil bastards with their tiny violins from hell do not stop with their continual music. I stomped out 4 of them last night and still they are there in numbers probably more than I can imagine. When they are playing this symphony of violent decibels they are playing it within the furnace, which only makes it louder! So to all you little evil symphonizing crickets from hell FUCK YOU! And your little violins of fire.

Here's a video to explain it what i mean....